Best Places to Work in Maine

Best Places to Work in Maine 2017

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23 B E S T P L A C E S TO W O R K 2 0 1 7 MEDIUM COMPANIES [ 50 - 249 employees ] Furthering the credit union movement and helping members is our business. Belonging to something bigger is why over 2,000 employees and 689,000 members are part of Maine's credit unions. The Maine Credit Union League and Synergent are honored to again be named one of the Best Places to Work in Maine, along with 13 Maine credit unions. Our employees strive to provide unparalleled service and to further the cooperative financial principles that drive Maine's credit unions and support their members. Maine credit unions are not only a great place to work, but a great place to belong. CorpMktg BestPlacesAd94376.indd 1 9/14/17 3:00 PM The Nonantum Resort de- livers on the promise of genu- ine hospitality steeped in ca- sual, historical elegance with modern comforts. Cash incentives are awarded to front desk and reservations staff for sold-out nights and meeting monetary targets. Employees going above and beyond are recognized with gift cards to local res- taurants or Nonantum Bucks. Season- long employees earn bonuses at the end of the year. The Wellness Committee plans out- door activities like group walks. Popup employee appreciation events include taco days, free pool lunch and ice cream days. The year is capped with go-kart or bowling parties. Nonantum Resort Community Health Options, in Lewiston, is a nonprofi t, member-led health insurance plan providing comprehensive health in- surance benefi ts to individuals, fami- lies and businesses. Through schedule fl exibility sup- port, CHO supports employees with each situation handled as a unique occurrence. Meeting or exceeding goals results in bonuses. Leaders are empowered to recognize individual teams for great work with incentives. Food truck lunches are paid for by the company. Wellness Challenges are held throughout the year. Employees receive up to $250 well- ness reimbursements, fl u shot clin- ics, and wellness challenges. On Jeans Day, proceeds go to a nonprofi t. Community Health Options The Maine Credit Union League and Synergent, in Portland, promote the growth of credit unions through service excel- lence in the delivery of quality products and services. Synergent is unique in being a for-profi t subsid- iary owned by the nonprofi t Maine Credit Union League. Employee appreciation includes a summer BBQ, weekly ice cream truck, holiday parties, fresh fruit and employee gifts and awards. Employees enjoy fl exible scheduling, remote work options and fl extime. Investment in staff includes con- ferences, professional member- ships and tuition reimbursement. Interdepartmental communication is promoted through initiatives like the Employee Ambassador Program. University Credit Union in Orono is a unique fi nancial so- lution for students, employees and alumni of Maine's University System, as well as their family members. A bonus is provided for all staff based on goals that everyone has a chance to implement. A quarterly Star Award is presented to individu- als voted by peers. The award winner receives an extra vacation day, money for the employee apparel site, a glass award and recognition lunch. Each employee enjoys a day off on their birthday. Anniversary bonuses and cash out options for unused PTO are other great perks. Maine Credit Union League & Synergent University Credit Union lence in the delivery of quality Union in Orono is a unique fi nancial so- lution for students, employees and lution for students, employees and # 34 # 35 Options, in Lewiston, is a nonprofi t, member-led health insurance plan # 32 League and Synergent, in Portland, promote the growth of credit unions through service excel- lence in the delivery of quality # 33

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