Best Places to Work in Maine

Best Places to Work in Maine 2017

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B E S T P L A C E S TO W O R K 2 0 1 7 10 SMALL COMPANIES [ 15 - 49 employees ] Albin, Randall & Bennett, in Portland, is a full-service CPA and busi- ness consulting fi rm providing excep- tional service to clients and fulfi lling careers to employees. The fi rm offers the ability to work from home, fl extime that allows for a balanced work/life schedule, and 35- hour workweeks in the summer. New employees receive a card and a gift certifi cate to a local restaurant to celebrate their new career with their families. Albin, Randall & Bennett purchases gifts for employees' kids to be given out by Santa at the holiday party, and participates in jean Fridays with all contributions going to a local not-for-profi t. Oxford Federal Credit Union, based in Mexico, Maine, is a full-service, member-owned fi nancial cooperative committed to guiding mem- bers in the pursuit of fi nancial security. Incentive programs for meeting fi - nancial, service, growth, sales, and member and employee satisfaction goals can earn an additional 4% of wages. Years of ser- vice recognition also provide monetary rewards. OFCU showcases wellness topics for employees monthly, and has guest speakers on topics such as time man- agement, stress management and phys- ical fi tness. Exercise challenges further encourage fi tness, with cash prizes and bragging rights to the winners. Albin, Randall & Bennett, CPAs Oxford Federal Credit Union CCB Inc., in Westbrook, provides prime and gener- al construction services to manufacturing, commercial, governmental, power and industrial clients through- out Maine and New England. CCB reward employees with scheduling fl exibility: When fam- ily and child care schedules impact work time, CCB allows and encour- ages employees to take care of their families fi rst. Flexibility and accom- modation around medical issues is also important. CCB pays for partici- pation in the SMART Dollar fi nan- cial awareness program, holds raffl e opportunities to win tickets to events such as summer golf and sporting events, and throws offi ce gatherings and other parties. TrueLine Publishing is a custom media and pub- lishing fi rm in the heart of Portland, publishing digital trade journals that provide a platform for companies and executives to share their stories. Employees strive to achieve week- ly goals so they can earn points to redeem for early release Fridays. For each interview a sales person conducts on a Friday, they receive a $5 scratch ticket. The Pirate's Booty Coin Exchange allows employees to collect coins by hitting monthly sales goals. Coins can be cashed in for prizes like a ski weekend or sports tickets or can be accumulated and redeemed for larger prizes. CCB Inc. TrueLine Publishing, LLC P l a n s o n International in New Gloucester is a global IT solutions provider delivering innovative and cost-effective technology and services to organizations in a shared commitment to humanitar- ian and development goals. The culture at Planson is one that values employees and treats them all as equal members of the team. Employees enjoy the culture, in which all successes are shared. Employees are part of the interview- ing committee, providing them with true involvement. Work schedules are fl exible, and the dress code allows employees to wear what they want to work (within reason). Outings in- clude SeaDogs games, bowling and parties. Trademark Federal Credit Union, based in Augusta, is a member-owned, not- for-profi t cooperative holding the philoso- phy of people helping people. The Trademark FCU team enjoys fi guring out how to make the lives of members better, with more fi nan- cial security. Management seeks out, and acts on, employee feedback. Employees receive 100% paid health insurance and contributions toward the deductible. Birthdays and anniversaries are celebrated with cakes or breakfast for the staff. Every November, man- agement shows appreciation to em- ployees with gifts and recognition throughout the month. Dress down days result in donations to the chari- table giving fund Planson International Trademark Federal Credit Union # 14 # 18 Virtual Managed Solutions, LLC Casco Systems provides prime and gener- al construction services to manufacturing, commercial, governmental, power and a custom media and pub- lishing fi rm in the heart of # 12 # 16 International in New Gloucester is a global IT solutions provider delivering innovative Credit Union, based in Augusta, is a member-owned, not- for-profi t cooperative holding the philoso- # 13 # 17 Virtual Managed Solutions, LLC is a con- tact center located in Caribou, specializing in the hospitality and automotive mar- keting industries. Employees enjoy frequent food ac- tivities and a relaxed work atmosphere that allows them to work from home. They receive performance bonuses, along with referral bonuses of $250. The company's smoking cessation pro- gram offers up to $1 per hour of ex- tra pay after a year of non-smoking. Employees have access to an onsite treadmill, take part in a stretching pro- gram, and take advantage of informa- tion available on nutrition. Charitable activities include donations to the Northern Maine Veterans Cemetery for its public gatherings. Casco Systems, in Cumberland Center, is an engineering and system integration fi rm focused on the power generation and delivery markets. An Employee Assistance Program supports work-life balance. Pay for performance incentive and educa- tional assistance programs are avail- able to eligible employees. Holiday parties, company cookouts and boat rides around Casco Bay are enjoyed by many of Casco System employees. Employees enjoy fl exible work sched- ules and excellent company-paid bene- fi ts. There are lunchtime walks around the block during warmer weather months. Adjustable height desks allow employees to work sitting or standing. A basketball hoop promotes activity/ wellness during business hours. # 15 # 19

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