Best Places to Work in Maine

Best Places to Work in Maine 2017

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25 B E S T P L A C E S TO W O R K 2 0 1 7 MEDIUM COMPANIES [ 50 - 249 employees ] 2017 A huge thank you to all of our employees and our Board of Directors for their essential contribution to making YCFCU, once again, one of the Best Places To Work In Maine. You ' re the bestest. Gorham Sand & Gravel, in Buxton, has been a leading supplier of sand, gravel, loam and stone products, suited for anything from large scale contracts to small resi- dential projects, since 1987. The many fi nancial rewards include yearly bonuses and regular pay raises. Contract incentives, like early comple- tion bonuses, are passed to employ- ees through profi t-sharing, on top of planned shares. Employees receive fi nancial contri- butions each year to help cover health care deductibles. An HRA covers more than 75% of total deductibles once em- ployee portions are met. Employees receive free turkeys for Thanksgiving, and free GSG logo apparel. Gorham Sand & Gravel Inc. Allen Insurance and Financial, headquar- tered in Camden, pro- vides advice, informa- tion and education on insurance and fi nan- cial service products and issues. The fi rm serves clients all over Maine and around the world. The Company is employee-owned and everyone shares in the profi ts. Employees enjoy fl exible work sched- ules, gatherings and other efforts by management to add intangibles to compensation. Wellness programs include lunch-and-learns, health screenings, coaching and other op- tional activities. Volunteerism in the community is supported and encour- aged, with one day paid annually; fl exible scheduling allows salaried personnel to work volunteer commit- ments into their day when needed. Allen Insurance & Financial Financial, headquar- tered in Camden, pro- vides advice, informa- tion and education on insurance and fi nan- # 40 207 - 839 - 2442 commercial site work | road & utility construction | aggregate sales 2017 Our people have made this the best place to work for 30 years. Thank you! # 41

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