Best Places to Work in Maine

Best Places to Work in Maine 2017

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B E S T P L A C E S TO W O R K 2 0 1 7 14 MEDIUM COMPANIES [ 50 - 249 employees ] Patriot Subaru provides service to Southern Maine and New England, as the largest Subaru dealer in Maine in three areas: new and used Subaru sales, Subaru parts sales, and Subaru service. The high-volume dealership is on track to sell 2,700 vehicles in 2017. The c o m p a n y 's m i s s i o n statement, valued by employees, is "To Serve – O u r C u s t o m e r s, Our Families, Our Community, and Each Other." Associates work hard for customers, and support each other. Although it's a busy, high traffi c dealership, the typical comment is that it's a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Associates often bring their dogs to work, or help out in the dealership's large vegetable garden. And the company's engagement with charities that are important to associates is central to the culture. That's why on a weekday afternoon, Patriot employees can be found pounding nails on a Habitat for Humanity house. When sales goals are reached, associates receive a $1,000 bonus. Associates can receive performance- based bonuses. The firm has an Associate of the Month program with cash and recognition, profi t sharing, and monthly team-based bonuses f o r r e c o r d - s e t t i n g performance. Associates receive free Red Sox, Celtics, Patriots and concert tickets for achieving goals. Patriot pays 100% of benefi ts for health, dental and vision, and reviews benefi ts twice a year for additional coverages. Associates receive personal incentives for weight loss. Patriot supplies fresh fruit, free tea and spring water; brings in healthy lunches and snacks; and has a full kitchen for those who want to prepare a meal. Promotions come from within, and Patriot pays for training and training- related expenses for job enhancement or skills training. Patriot compensates associates for missed time while participating in training. Associates with five years or longer receive a private dinner at a prestigious restaurant, a commemorative personalized gift and a cash bonus. Ten-year employees receive an all-expense-paid Caribbean cruise for themselves and spouses. At the annual holiday gala, every associate receives a bonus, and over $10,000 in prizes are raffled off. The 12 Associates of the Month are introduced one by one. Additional perks include company picnics on Sebago Lake, including great food and live music; and a fully equipped gym on-site. Patriot Subaru Ten-year employees receive Caribbean cruise Patriot Subaru of Saco 769 Portland Rd. Saco, ME 04072 Top local executive: Adam Arens, President Year established: 2003 Maine employees: 65 Website: # 1 Patriot Subaru employees working at the Habitat For Humanity project in Scarborough. JMG is a private nonprofi t whose mission is to identify students w h o f a c e b a r r i e r s to education and to guide each one on to a successful path toward continued education, a meaningful career and productive adulthood. JMG partners with public education and private businesses to offer results-driven solutions to ensure all Maine students graduate, attain post- secondary credentials, and pursue meaningful careers. J M G b e g a n i n 1 9 9 3 t h r o u g h a state mandate to provide drop-out prevention services for high school seniors. JMG now serves more than 6,500 students annually through more than 90 programs throughout the state. For 22 consecutive years, it has been recognized by its national affi liate, Jobs for America's Graduates, as the best school-to-career program in the U.S. for consistently exceeding national standards. JMG recognizes and celebrates employees' personal and professional accomplishments with all staff throughout the state of Maine. JMG offers an opportunity for employees to serve on a variety of committees, w h i c h d r i v e t h e direction of curriculum d e v e l o p m e n t , c o m m u n i c a t i o n s , student events, etc. JMG offers employees a n o p p o r t u n i t y t o serve on an advisory council, which informs and responds to the e x e c u t i v e t e a m ' s strategic plans for the company. JMG's strong company culture fosters camaraderie, mutual respect and transparency. At Listening Dinners, employees can provide feedback and ask questions. Individual performance-based and company-wide results-based annual cash bonuses are available to all employees. Gifts and/or stipends recognize above and beyond contributions. Offi ce closures and paid time off during school vacations are offered. Excellent wellness coverage includes reimbursed gym memberships and reimbursement for Weight Watchers subscriptions. Dental insurance includes up to $350 reimbursement for eyewear/ corrective lenses. Health benefi ts offers TeleMed, which provides 24/7 access to health care professionals and care. Philanthropy is valued. Each year, staff raises thousands of dollars and provides more than 30,000 hours of community service to local food banks, family shelters and more. Employees create individual professional development plans, including opportunities for tuition reimbursement. Specialists may be promoted to Master Specialists after three years of employment. Executive Council members are assigned a mentor from the executive team, offering professional development. Employees receive Years of Service Awards, and the annual retreat includes a two-night stay, meals and recognition awards. JMG employees gather for an annual retreat to share best practices, recognize and celebrate success, and receive training. JMG 65 Stone St. Augusta, ME 04330 Top local executive: Craig Larrabee, President/CEO Year established: 1993 Maine employees: 103 Website: JMG # 2 JMG "Listening Dinners" and mentorship

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