Best Places to Work in Maine

Best Places to Work in Maine 2017

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15 B E S T P L A C E S TO W O R K 2 0 1 7 MEDIUM COMPANIES [ 50 - 249 employees ] SGC Engineering LLC is a highly responsive, solution-oriented engineer- ing and surveying fi rm serving clients throughout North America. Since its establishment in 1999, SGC has de- ployed advanced technology to provide cost-effective survey engineering services and engineered solu- tions for energy and power transmission and distribution fa- cilities, commercial and residential real estate developments, water and waste- water treatment, and stormwater management. The company's commitment to cli- ents is refl ected in its commitment to employees. In fact, the company speaks directly to employees as part of its mis- sion statement: • To create a safe, healthy and environmentally conscien- tious workplace and cul- ture that sets the bench- mark for others to follow. • To offer and promote personal and professional growth for all employees; to encourage participa- tion in decision-making, yet demand individual accountability. Annually, employees are considered for pay- outs based on individ- ual performance and other critieria. Project- related bonuses are given to folks working on specifi c projects. SGC is able to pro- vide medical ben- efi ts via its relation- ship with the American Council of Engineering Companies, which offers competitive pricing. Plans recognize domestic partnerships. Health and wellness are further enhanced with fl u shot clinics, wellness challenges, and onsite biometric screening. Employee life insurance is provided at two times base salary. SGC maintains an open-door policy between management and employ- ees, with interactions as needed. Co- presidents are always available to employees, engage regularly with them, and remain continually aware of the "pulse" of the company. The fairly new corporate ownership hosts quar- terly meetings with a "town hall" for- mat, which allow employees to hear what is happening with regard to the larger company view. And there are various other vehicles in place for com- munication between employees and leadership. SGC holds holiday parties and of- fi ce breakfasts and lunches. Useful to families is its policy of a condensed work week and fl exible scheduling. The company has an ingrained cul- ture of giving to others, making do- nations to the Good Shepherd and Preble Street food banks, and to chil- drens' programs, including Toys for Tots, Maine Children's Home for Little Wanderers, and Big Brothers Big Sisters. Additional donations are made to organizations of special interest to employees, such as Angel Eyes, Bike MS, and Wreaths Across America. SGC Engineering LLC "Town hall" meetings held for employee input SGC Engineering LLC 501 County Rd. Westbrook, ME 04092 Top local executive: Timothy Patch, Douglass Morrell, Co-Presidents Year established: 1999 Maine employees: 118 Website: # 3 SGC participates in the Bowl For Kids' Sake to benefi t Big Brothers Big Sisters. 2017 Damariscotta Bank & Trust is honored to be named a Best Place to Work in Maine for it's second year in a row! It is through our employees that we are capable of providing excellent service to our customers. ank you to all of our employees for your continued dedication and committment. Congratulations to this year's "best" employers. We're proud to call some of them our partners in workplace safety. From Maine's choice for workers' compensation insurance.

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