
January 23, 2017

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F U L L C O N T E N T S O N PA G E 4 F O C U S A U G U S TA / WAT E R V I L L E 20 Gardiner/Hallowell The downtowns in Gardiner and Hallowell have been invigorated by new businesses and thoughtful planning in recent years, but the cities took different approaches to some of the same challenges. P H O T O / D E N N I S G R I G G S In downtown Waterville, Colby College continues its redevelopment of what had been vacant or underused buildings. At 173 Main St., Colby President David Greene outlines plans for ground-floor retail combined with office space on upper floors. S TA R T I N G O N P A G E 1 6 College, community unite to brighten the lights in downtown Waterville F O C U S A U G U S TA / WAT E R V I L L E C O L BY 'S M A S T E R P L A N B y l o r i V a l i g r a $2.00 January 23, 2017 VO L . X X I I I N O. I I

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