
January 23, 2017

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Enjoy the benefi ts of CONVERTING TO NATURAL GAS Natural Gas is aff ordable, provides peace of mind, and is cleaner and more effi cient than other fuels. That's why it's one of the most popular fuel sources for heat, hot water and cooking in homes and businesses across America. With these benefi ts, it's easy to understand why Natural Gas is fueling Maine's future! See how converting to natural gas can benefi t you. For more information, call 800.909.7642 ext. 2, or visit ts AFFORDABLE § Energy effi cient § Cost saving rebates § Regulated pricing CLEAN & EFFICIENT § A cleaner burning fuel § More effi cient appliances § More efficient than other fuels PEACE OF MIND § Most versatile fuel § No more delivery trucks § Reliable § Stable month-to-month pricing § No need to prepay § Dedicated team to help you convert HELPING TO IMPROVE MAINE § An abundant North American resource § Creating local jobs & powering local businesses § $2.5 million invested to improve Maine's energy effi ciency

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