
June 27, 2016

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V O L . X X I I N O. X I V J U N E 2 7 , 2 0 1 6 20 MAINE'S ENERGY INDUSTRY F O C U S e association is pulling together those survey results, she says, with a goal of adding specifi cs to the general comments so that they could be used to inform lawmakers in the next legisla- tive session about how critical lowering electricity costs is to leveraging com- pany investments that will add jobs and strengthen the state's economy. Woodcock welcomes their input, noting that in his keynote address at the manufacturers' summit he emphasized just how important it is for employers to become involved in the political arena where so many energy-related decisions are made. " ese are important issues," he says. "Engagement with legislators is paramount." ISO New England forecast ISO New England, the not-for- profi t corporation responsible for keeping electricity fl owing across the six-state New England region, employs a team of power system engineers, economists, computer scientists and other professionals to analyze markets and trends to ensure the region has reliable, competitively priced wholesale electricity today and into the future. In his introduction to the 2016 regional outlook, published in January, ISO New England President and CEO Gordon van Welie describes the region's grid as being in transition, with natural-gas-fi red generation rapidly displacing older coal, oil and nuclear plants that have closed or are closing. ENERGY INDUSTRY ISSUES BEFORE THE LEGISLATURE, PUC, OR COURTS? That's what we do. ENERGY INDUSTRY ISSUES BEFORE THE LEGISLATURE, PUC, OR COURTS? That's what we do. • Portland (207) 774-7000 • Lewiston (207) 777-5200 Seeking Chief Operating OffiCer Unique opportunity for an experienced leader interested in growing a successful aerospace contract manufacturing company with a blue-chip customer base. This is a professional growth opportunity for an individual with a desire to transition to CEO status as part of a succession plan. In addition to generous benefits, you'll experience genuine ownership under our recently established ESOP structure. Kennebec Technologies Is an Equal Opportunity Employer. LEARN MORE: kennebec technologies in augusta, Maine, is seeking a Chief Operating Officer to lead and grow the company. » C O N T I N U E D F RO M P R E V I O U S PA G E Sources of electricity production 2000 15% 18% 22% 31% 8% 7% 2015 49% 4% 2% 30% 9% 7% energy-saving projects with three-to- fi ve-year returns that would benefi t from additional help, which could move them up on the priority list," he says. More jobs, R&D, and investment? Lisa Martin, executive director of Manufacturers Association of Maine, says high energy costs have been a top concern of her member companies for several years running. At the trade group's annual manufacturing summit held earlier this month, she says her members were asked this question: If your annual energy costs could be reduced by 50% what would you do with the savings? ey also were told they could pick more than one option. Martin says 47% replied that they would spend it on capital investments to improve their business, 41% would spend it on research and development and 35% said they would hire addi- tional employees. "It was pretty telling," she says, noting that the total economic impact of the 1,775 companies in Maine's manufacturing sector is $5.1 billion, accounting for approximately 9% of the state's gross domestic product and total employment of 55,000 people. S O U R C E : ISO New England Natural Gas Coal Oil Nuclear Renewables Hydro View the real-time fuel mix at

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