
July 27, 2015

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V O L . X X I N O. X V I J U LY 2 7 , 2 0 1 5 8 B U S I N E S S M A I N E B U S I N E S S M A I N E B U S I N E S S N E W S F RO M A RO U N D T H E S TAT E G.M. Pollack & Sons will liquidate G.M. Pollack & Sons, a jewelry retail business founded 60 years ago, has fi led for Chapter 7 bank- ruptcy, days after reports emerged that its fi nal store in South Portland would be closing. e Bangor Daily News reported that the jeweler had begun closing its remaining stores in June, but was not initially planning for an all-out closure. at appar- ently changed when the jeweler fi led for bankruptcy on July 10, posting between $1 million and $10 mil- lion in debts and between $500,000 and $1 million in assets. Details of its secured and unsecured debts are expected to be fi led July 27. e jeweler was family owned until 2009, the newspaper noted, when the Pollack family sold the company to its employees. e jeweler has slowly closed its 12 stores in Maine and New Hampshire, with the remaining fi ve closing within the past month. N O T E W O R T H Y S O U T H E R N The Opportunity Alliance in Portland received a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Offi ce of Administration for Children and Families totaling $2,949,484 to continue area Head Start programs. Survey Inc., a professional land sur- veying fi rm, reopened at 79 Albion Road in Windham. Maine Preservation in Yarmouth an- nounced it sold the fi rst historic prop- erty from its Protect & Sell Program. The Robbins-Anderson Farm, a late 18th-century property on Route 131 in South Thomaston, was sold to Rockland Realty LLC. Health Affi liates Maine in Portland announced it was awarded a contract with the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention to provide services to members of the Maine National Guard. Landry/French Construction Co. in Scarborough was selected as con- struction manager for a new general aviation facility for Maine Aviation Corp. The 42,000-square-foot facility on Westbrook St. in South Portland will provide aviation services to the private, corporate, commercial and general aviation community. Saddleback needs $3M to open for winter season e owners of Saddleback ski resort in the Rangeley area said it will not open for the upcoming winter season if it doesn't secure $3 million in fi nancing within a few weeks. e family-owned ski resort, which has been on the market since 2012, said in a July 20 announce- ment that the $3 million is needed to replace its 51-year-old chairlift, which serves as the resort's main access to the top of Saddleback Mountain. e stakes are high for Saddleback, which said it is Franklin County's third-largest employer, with up to 300 employ- ees during the winter season. e ski resort said it has informed all employees and mountain property owners of the potential closure this winter, adding that all season pass holders would be reimbursed and that vendors would be paid in full. Mark Berry, a Saddleback owner, said the upgrade is required for the ski resort's long-term sustainability, and that it needs to happen soon. "For the last several months, we've been actively seeking the necessary fi nancing to replace the chairlift, however time is running out," Berry said in a prepared statement. "We only have a few weeks to make this work. In order to open this winter, we need to order the new lift by early August." Summit fi nds 256 faulty connections in Waterville area Summit Natural Gas of Maine has found that about two-thirds of its natural gas connections installed in the Waterville area last year were improperly installed. In Summit's report to the Maine Public Utilities Commission, the natural gas company said it is replacing 256 of the 384 electro-fusion tees in Waterville, Fairfi eld and Madison that failed a visual inspection, according to the Morning Sentinel. An electro-fusion tee is a compo- nent that connects a service line to the main gas distribution line. e company's report on July 7 said it had replaced 184 of the tees so far. Summit spokeswoman Tammy Poissonnier told the newspaper that the company expects to have all | 188 Whitten Road | Augusta, ME 04332 | 622-4741 | AGC Maine provides quality training AGC Maine provides quality training and an aggressive advocacy program to help our members develop new markets and develop new markets and grow their business. grow their business. Join AGC Maine today to discover the competitive discover the competitive advantage our membership provides. membership provides. WORKING FOR OUR MEMBERS What Makes a Good Contractor? Skill, Responsibility and Integrity. Skill, Responsibility and Integrity. Skill, Responsibility and Integrity. Skill, Responsibility and Integrity. Skill, Responsibility and Integrity. Skill, Responsibility and Integrity. Skill, Responsibility and Integrity. Skill, Responsibility and Integrity. Skill, Responsibility and Integrity. Skill, Responsibility and Integrity. Skill, Responsibility and Integrity. Skill, Responsibility and Integrity. 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