
July 27, 2015

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O N T H E R E C O R D W W W. M A I N E B I Z . B I Z 25 J U LY 2 7 , 2 0 1 5 K RB, founded in 1996, provides testing and health services to farms, businesses, government agen- cies and scientifi c research institutions involved with aquatic species. KRB expects to double its staff over the next several years, from the current 14. Mainebiz recently chatted with Berry. An edited transcript follows. Mainebiz: How has your transition gone, moving from the public to the private sector? Seth Berry: It's been great. Something I've thought about a lot in my time in the public sector is, How do we prepare our young people and our incumbent work force for the next economy? How do we make sure Maine is relevant in the global economy? I talked with a lot of business owners, scientists and non- profi t folks who work in this arena. I've really done a lot of listening. It's really an exciting space, the innovation that's hap- pening in Maine, just as it is in Silicon Valley or the beltway in Boston. Maine is clearly doing some great things. Often by boot strapping. But often by getting public support, as well, like from the Maine Technology Institute. MB: How did you pick Kennebec River Biosciences? SB: In 2006, I was campaigning. I knocked on every door in the district. CEO Bill Keleher and offi ce manager Rebecca Boulanger welcomed me into their offi ces. I was blown away by the kind of work they were doing. Very advanced, scientifi c diagnostic work supporting fi sheries, fi sh farms, the health of aquatic animals. e lab was continually an example of the kind of business that we want to grow more of here in Maine, to make sure our state is relevant. KRB is providing a service and product that can't be outsourced. It adds value to Maine's economy and builds on a unique strength. We have a long tra- dition of fi shing in Maine and this is one evolution of that history. MB: Research suggests more of the global diet will rely on fi sh and more of that fi sh will be farmed. How is KRB positioned to serve the farms that will support these trends? SB: Yes, the kind of science we pro- vide allows fi sh farmers to be more proactive, as opposed to reactive, in monitoring and supporting the health of their animals and in producing much healthier, fresher, tastier fi sh as well. Using very targeted vaccines really helps the fi sh farmers get away from the use of antibiotics. We also support farmers with better manage- ment techniques. ey may not need a vaccine or health product. Sometimes, it's just understanding what pathogens you have in your aquatic environment and preventing them from erupt- ing into a full-scale disease. We're all swimming in a sea of microbes. How do we use those benefi cial microbes as well, for example. Science can help bring fi sh farming into a more responsible, more sustainable era. MB: One of your clients is an Idaho farmer who converted his cattle operation to a tilapia farm. With aquaculture becoming so popular, what's hot within the sector? SB: It's not just catching more fi sh these days. It's utilizing more fully the fi sh that are harvested. ere's a lot of interest right now in 'How do I get more from the fi sh that I'm bringing to market?' Are there parts of the fi sh that can be sold for something other than compost? ose are areas we've been sup- porting and bringing our science to bear. Centuries ago, Native Americans planted corn and beans together because the beans were nitrogen fi xers. You can do similar things in aquacul- ture. It's called integrated multi-trophic aquaculture. It involves combining several species that benefi t from one another's presence. For example, people are experimenting with farming fi sh, shellfi sh and seaweed together. Also, the industry is really moving forward in land-based recirculating aquaculture systems. It's absolutely astonishing how much is going on in this arena and how good the farm-to-product can be. Tell Mainebiz where to go in 2016! FOLLOW US @MBEVENTS #OTR2016 Readers' Choice Throughout the year Mainebiz makes six stops all over Maine in our On the Road reception series. We give our readers the chance to break away from their desks to meet and mingle with other members of the local business community. Go to to find out where we've been, and to tell us where to go in 2016. Or email Donna Brassard at B Y M A D D Y B U T C H E R P H O T O / T I M G R E E N WAY Seth Berry of Kennebec River Biosciences, a Richmond lab that provides products and services supporting fi sheries and fi sh farms worldwide. Seth Berry of Bowdoinham served in the Maine Legislature for eight years (2006–14), ending his term as House majority leader. In January, Berry was hired by Richmond-based Kennebec River Biosciences as vice president for international business development.

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