
July 27, 2015

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V O L . X X I N O. X V I J U LY 2 7 , 2 0 1 5 28 U S I N E S S M A I N E I N S H O R T N E W S WO R T H Y P E O P L E A N D P E R F O R M A N C E S LaChance was previously acting deputy city manager. Portland Public Schools promoted Jeanne Crocker to interim superinten- dent. Crocker was the district's direc- tor of school management. Spurwink, a men- tal health service provider in Portland, promoted Gabrielle Gallucci to director of mission impact. Gorham Savings Bank promoted Julie Brooks, Kevin Heatley, Lisa Hughes, Matt Palmer, Sue Strout and Julia Hubbard. cPort Credit Union in Portland promoted Chelsea Laverriere to marketing coordi- nator and Jacquelyn Murphy to branch manager at the Forest Avenue branch in Portland. Laverriere was most recently marketing specialist while Murphy was an assistant branch manager. [ A P P O I N T M E N T S ] The Maine Community Foundation in Portland appointed Dighton Spooner as chair and Peter Lamb as vice chair of its board of directors. Spooner is senior associate director of career planning at Bowdoin College and Lamb is an inde- pendent philanthropic advisor. The Association for Consulting Expertise elected William Stone as president, Jim Casey as vice president, Tim Thorsen as treasure and Laurie Davis as secretary. Gelato Fiasco, a creator of artisanal gelato and sorbetto in Brunswick, elected Richard McGoldrick as chairman of its board of directors. McGoldrick is the founder and owner of Commercial Properties Inc. in Portland. United Way of York County announced the addition of new board members Brian Ballute, Saco & Biddeford Savings Institution; Anthony Cataldi, Sanford Institution for Savings; Chris Indorf, Biddeford School Department; and Peg Stans eld, Kennebunk Savings. Portland's Downtown District announced the following individuals were elected to its board of directors: property owners: Ken Cianchette, ELC Management Inc., and Phil Haughey, MHR Management; retail: Susan Rephan, LeRoux Kitchen; restaurant: Robyn Violette, Fore Street Restaurant; entertainment/nightlife: Sarah Martin, Bar of Chocolate; and visitor/tourism: Alen Saric, Hyatt Place Portland Old Port. Vera Roberts, senior vice president, commercial regional manager at Camden National Bank in Camden, was appointed to Maine's Permanent Commission on the Status of Women. e commission is a government-appointed group dedicated to improving oppor- tunities for women and girls in Maine by advising the Gov. Paul LePage and members of the state Legislature about policy and social issues aff ecting women and girls in Maine. [ A C H I E V E M E N T S ] Burgess Advertising & Marketing was recently honored with a silver and bronze Healthcare Advertising Award in the Total Integrated Marketing Campaign category for its work on the and Mercy Express Care cam- paigns. e fi rm also received a 21st annual Communicator Award for the campaign, which earned the 2015 Silver Award of Distinction in the integrated not- for-profi t campaign category. Rudman Winchell, Counselors at Law in Bangor, announced that David King, Frank McGuire, William Hanson and Curtis Kimball were recognized as Notable Practitioners and the fi rm was recognized in four practice areas by Chambers USA. Cole Teague, chief of facilities manage- ment at Franklin Memorial Hospital in Farmington, earned the designation of Certifi ed Healthcare Constructor. Joseph Siviski, an attorney at Perkins Thompson in Portland, was accepted into the Lift360 Emerging Leaders Program, which provides emerging business and professional leaders with leadership development training and mentoring in preparation for service Looking for exciting business events? Go to to view and post events. @ Chelsea Laverriere Gabrielle Gallucci Dighton Spooner Jacquelyn Murphy Peter Lamb

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