
April 20, 2015

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W W W. M A I N E B I Z . B I Z 23 A P R I L 2 0 , 2 0 1 5 H OW TO M ost business owners and market- ing managers recognize that to retain and increase market share they need to continually build awareness of their products and services. But choos- ing the partner best suited to help with that process can be tricky. For a relation- ship to work, the partner's capabilities and capacity need to align well with an organization's needs and budget. ere are three types of marketing service providers: freelancers, special- ized fi rms and full-service agencies. In choosing a marketing fi rm, consider the following: Freelancers Generally one-person shops, freelancers often specialize in one or two disciplines. e most common of these are graphic designers, public relations specialists and web developers. In our market, freelanc- ers typically charge $30 to $75 an hour. P RO S : e person you talk to is the person who does the work Talent in a specifi c discipline Flexibility for short-term projects C O N S : Limited capacity Often more tactical than strategic G O O D F I T F O R : Small or start-up fi rms with limited needs and funds Mid-sized entities with some in-house capability and need for specialized skills Specialized fi rms Specialists focus on one service, such as web development, video production, digital marketing. A typical rate would be $75 to $120 an hour. P RO S : Expertise in a particular fi eld May provide discipline-specifi c capacity that other types of fi rms may lack More strategically focused than freelancers C O N S : Burden is on the client to maintain brand consistency and strategic integration Limited scope of services Diffi cult to measure return on investment G O O D F I T F O R : Smaller companies and organiza- tions with moderate budgets Mid-sized entities with strong in- house capabilities in some disciplines and defi ciencies in others Full-service agencies Full-service fi rms possess in-house expertise across marketing and design disciplines, including strategy, cam- paign development, web services, col- lateral design, ad production, media planning and placement and social media. ey tend to work with clients on an ongoing basis and range in size from 10 to 100-plus employees. Rates in Maine are $100 to $200 an hour. P RO S : Strategy driven and skilled at cre- ative execution across all channels Cross-channel brand consistency ROI measurement, reporting and analysis C O N S : Focus on strategy and planning can slow initial progress Generally aren't interested in one- off or short-term projects G O O D F I T F O R : Companies and organizations with an established marketing budget and clear goals and objectives Firms that operate in competi- tive markets that demand eff ective marketing, long-term support and ROI analysis. If your marketing partner is too small, it may not generate the results you need to succeed. Too big and your work may not be considered a priority or you may pay for overhead and capacity that won't benefi t you in the long run. e fi nal decision often comes down to chemistry. Determine which provider is best suited to your goals, requirements and budget, and then set up in-person meetings to get a sense of which fi rm might provide the right fi t for your culture and business. S P is a senior a c c o u n t e x e c u t i v e a n d h e a d of ne w business de velopment a t V r e e l a n d M a r k e t i n g & Design in Yar mouth. He c an be reached at @ . Investing in indoor air quality has at least five advantages for your business. When it comes to creating a healthy environment for your employees and equipment, "duct cleaning" may not even cross your mind. But the cost of letting is slide may include your employee's well-being, your equipment's length of service, creating re hazards, energy efficiency and even costly litigation. AAA Energy Service includes regular duct cleaning as part of our maintenance plan, so you can keep breathing easy. To learn more, call 207.883.1473 or email us at 27 Keep your buildings healthy So call 1.877.Bangor1, stop by, or visit to see the difference it makes when you matter more. The right people, the right place. And Bruce Ocko is definitely the right person. With a mortgage industry leader like Bruce as our new Senior Vice President and Director of Mortgage Banking, we're even better equipped to help Mainers thrive. HOW DO YOU MAKE YOUR COMMUNITY STRONGER? BY MAKING YOUR TEAM STRONGER. You matter more. Member FDIC. Choose the right marketing partner B Y S H E L D O N P E R K I N S

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