
March 9, 2015

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V O L . X X I N O. V M A R C H 9 , 2 0 1 5 18 D elicious, healthy, sustainably harvested, traceable to individ- ual fishermen rooted in fishing communities for generations. is is the message around Maine lobster that has been promoted by marketing initiatives that have evolved over the years. Lobster harvesting is a billion-a-year industry in Maine, but with an abundance of the marine crus- tacean the Maine Lobster Marketing Collaborative is looking for ways to develop new markets. In December, the MLMC hired the global public relations firm Weber Shandwick to help expand existing markets and find new ones. Weber Shandwick will lead public relations, advertising, social media and digital content on "We have a superhero in lobstermen, and a lot of brands don't," says Patty Stone, executive vice president at Weber Shandwick in Boston. "We have this halo effect from Maine. You don't often walk into clients who have such built-in benefits." "We've got a great story to tell," adds David Cousens, a fisherman and president of the Maine Lobstermen's Association. "We're poor at telling it, but we need to get better at it. We're independent businessmen, we catch the product, we bring it in fresh. It's a great, healthy, wild-caught product coming out of pristine water. We need to get that story out there because that story sells." Weber Shandwick's hiring follows a two-year period of turbulence and transition in the industry. In , the market was glutted with lobster and the price paid to lobstermen hit a -year low. Even as other fisheries have strug- gled, lobster have been abundant. Many in the Maine lobster industry blame the poor market price on an increase in har- vesting activity and an overabundance of processed product from Canada. With the help of the state Department of Marine Resources, in the industry formed the Maine Lobster Marketing Collaborative to replace the previous Maine Lobster Promotion Council. e new col- laborative, which was authorized by the state Legislature, included an increase in surcharges on licenses held by , lobstermen and dealers and/or processors. Changes included a greater com- mitment to marketing. "Marketing is key," says Cousens. "We fought like hell to get this mar- keting initiative going. Markets in Asia, right now, are increasing by per quarter, which is unbelievable. So we're hopeful the live market will take off in the next couple of years." For the current year, the MLMC's total budget is . million, including , for administrative expenses and about . million earmarked for marketing, according to Executive Director Matt Jacobson. e market- ing budget will provide up to mil- lion annually through . At its peak in past years, the old collaborative had about , bud- geted for marketing. So there's opti- mism that the larger marketing budget will pay off with a more contemporary branding message and greater sales. Shipping live lobster long distances can be a challenge due to its cyclical molting process, which means for part of the year it has a soft shell. e lobstermen's association is researching ways to get around this. "We need to supply the market where it's strong," Cousens says. "China is where it's at. To get there, the lobster needs a good shell on it. If we can make a dent in that market, that's good for us." Working from Boston, Weber Shandwick offers neighborly famil- iarity with Maine culture combined with abundant resources and global exposure, says Stone. Of the staff, "we have a number of folks who are from Maine, who have family in the lobstering indus- try," Stone says, adding the firm has worked with another iconic Maine brand, L.L.Bean. "So we're familiar with the world of Maine and with the authenticity of Maine." New lobster marketing is still in the planning stage. But Stone cites the firm's work with the DeWitt, Mich.-based Cherry Marketing Institute, which promotes tart cher- ries, at one time known only as a pie ingredient. Weber Shandwick repo- sitioned it as a contemporary "super fruit," with year-round availability and potential nutrition benefits. Weber Shandwick worked with growers, handlers and processors to address target audiences, including decision-makers at food manufacturing and food-service companies. e firm's marketing strategy "delivered a steady stream of broad-reaching national expo- sure in consumer food, nutrition and lifestyle media," says Stone. "e indus- try has also seen increased new product introductions featuring tart cherries as an ingredient, as well as double-digit increases in tart cherry menu mentions." e strategy has "real synergy" with Maine lobster, she says. Weber Shandwick will work with the MLMC's Jacobson and board mem- bers. It is also redeveloping the website, auditing social media and reviewing the brand, culture and competition. "We're looking at a multi-year cam- paign, and determining and defining what our targets are for this year, and each year spreading it out," Stone says. At the moment, the focus is on the Northeast and on restaurants as large-quantity buyers. By , she says, they'll be ready to step up outreach on a global scale. One challenge to fix, says Jacobson, is the lack of domestic data about where lobster is sold and consumed, due to a supply chain that begins at the dock and potentially goes through multiple deal- ers and processors — each with their own customer list, sometimes ending up in Canada for processing and then returning as Canadian product. "It's hard to tease out the numbers," Jacobson says. "We're working with Weber Shandwick on the data problem." P H O T O / T I M G R E E N WAY What to do with an icon Boston PR firm hired to retool branding for Maine lobster

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