Hartford Business Journal Special Editions

40U40 2024UF

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40 UNDER FORTY | 2024 HARTFORDBUSINESS.COM | AUGUST 19, 2024 19 Contact: Contact: Keisha S. Palmer Keisha S. Palmer | kpalmer@rc.com | 860.275.8392 | kpalmer@rc.com | 860.275.8392 Boston | Hartford | New York | Washington, DC | Providence | Miami | Stamford | Wilmington | Philadelphia | Los Angeles | Albany | Boston | Hartford | New York | Washington, DC | Providence | Miami | Stamford | Wilmington | Philadelphia | Los Angeles | Albany | rc.com rc.com © 2024 Robinson & Cole LLP | Attorney Advertising © 2024 Robinson & Cole LLP | Attorney Advertising Taylor's dedication to serving her clients, her colleagues and her community exemplify the highest values and traditions of the legal profession. We are proud of her accomplishments and congratulate all of the 2024 40 Under Forty honorees. Taylor A. Shea Elizabeth Retersdorf is a partner at Day Pitney LLP. She is a strong litigator, representing her clients in insurance coverage disputes and reinsurance disputes both in court and arbitration. However, she does not stop there — she has a practice representing and advising clients on insurance-related regulatory matters, including domestic acquisitions and com- pliance issues. Retersdorf has established herself as the go-to counsel for assisting clients with "Form A" applications to acquire insurance companies in Connecticut. What's been your biggest professional accomplishment so far in your career? My biggest professional accomplishment is making partner at Day Pitney while being an active mother and wife with two small children. I dedicate myself fully to every task and challenge in front of me, and I am very proud to have accomplished a balanced life with professional success. How are you involved in the community? I am involved in the community through my children. I love being a "soccer mom" and get- ting to meet and interact with other parents who balance professional and home lives. Why do you deserve to be a 40 Under Forty? • Was named partner at Day Pitney LLP as a mother of two young children. • Run a unique type of legal practice in both insurance litigation and regulatory work. • Established myself as the go-to reg- ulatory counsel for holding company system filings, pioneering a procedural mechanism for addressing competi- tively sensitive information with the Connecticut Insurance Department. What do you like to do outside of work? My family and I go on hikes, specifically, ones with rock scrambles for my kids (and really, me) to climb over. I love a good puzzle or book, but I have to be careful because I will not go to sleep until it is done. My husband and I always enjoy a good laugh at the UK show "Taskmasters." Erick Russell is in his first term as Connecticut's state treasurer. A grad- uate of the University of New Haven and UConn Law, as treasurer, Russell has committed to sound and ethical pension fund management, prioritizing financial literacy and making long-term invest- ments to promote economic strength and opportunity. He resides in New Haven with his husband, Christopher Lyddy. Russell is the first Black out LGBTQ+ person to win an election for statewide office in American history. What's been your biggest professional accomplishment so far in your career? The Treasurer's Office is playing an important role in Connecticut's eco- nomic resurgence, building a stronger and more inclusive future for the state. In 2023, we launched the first-of-its- kind CT Baby Bonds initiative that will invest directly in the future of tens of thousands of Connecticut children. How are you involved in the community? As treasurer, I'm fortunate to spend a lot of my time in communities across the state explaining how our work impacts people's everyday lives, including lowering long-term costs and helping families save for college. It's my mission to get people excited to partic- ipate in shaping our collective future. Why do you deserve to be a 40 Under Forty? • Launched CT Baby Bonds, a first- in-the-nation program to combat systemic poverty and create eco- nomic opportunities for a generation of Connecticut children. • Initiated reforms to the state's pension fund management to recruit and retain talent and maximize investment returns. • Involved and active mentor for young people, particularly Black and LGBTQ+ kids. Erick Russell AGE: 35 COMPANY: Office of the Treasurer TITLE: Connecticut State Treasurer NO. OF YEARS WITH CURRENT COMPANY: 2 WHERE I LIVE: New Haven WHERE I WORK: Hartford COLLEGE: University of New Haven HIGHEST DEGREE: Juris Doctor, UConn Law Elizabeth Retersdorf AGE: 39 COMPANY: Day Pitney LLP TITLE: Partner NO. OF YEARS WITH CURRENT COMPANY: 11 Where I live: Avon WHERE I WORK: Hartford COLLEGE: Rice University HIGHEST DEGREE: Juris Doctor, Yale Law School

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