Mainebiz Special Editions

Work for ME 2024

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2 4 2 4 At home at the At home at the retirement home retirement home In a recruiting In a recruiting bid, retirement bid, retirement community offers community offers workers housing at workers housing at below-market rates below-market rates 2 6 2 6 How to make How to make mental health a mental health a workplace priority workplace priority S P R I N G 2 0 2 4 / W O R K F O R M E 2 3 H E A LT H CARE Here are some key strategies for integrat- ing DEI principles into recruiting: Recognize implicit bias: Hiring managers should acknowledge and address implicit bias, which refers to the attitudes and preju- dices we unconsciously hold about people or groups. Be aware of biases related to names, origins or other characteristics and approach candidates with curiosity rather than judgement. Assess interview practices: Evaluate in- terview questions for potential bias or exclusionary language. Avoid making as- sumptions about candidates based on fac- tors like education or employment history. Review job descriptions, salaries and the company website: Even small words make a difference. What does your organization's online narrative say about it as a workplace? Does your website present a vision where a wide range of individuals — whether they are a new parent, gay, a remote worker or neurodivergent — can thrive? Scrutinize job descriptions for inclusive language to ensure that they do not unintentionally exclude certain groups. Conduct salary research to address pay disparities and ensure fair compensation practices. Provide continuous training and develop- ment: Recognize that DEI training is an ongoing process, especially crucial for tal- ent acquisition roles. Stay informed about evolving best practices. Recognize the need to offer more than a paycheck: Emphasize the holistic benefits of joining your organization beyond financial compensation, including reimagining the workday. Adapt to the realities of remote work by considering flexible work arrange- ments and allow for remote participation and flexible hours to attract and retain a diverse workforce. Create a workplace environment that prioritizes mental and physical well-being, fostering true inclu- sion and employee happiness. Incorporating DEI into your organiza- tion's recruiting practices requires a culture of openness and adaptability. Hiring man- agers should always encourage questions, be willing to explore alternative ideas and stay nimble in this ever-changing landscape. Keep an open mind and keep learning. When you know better, you do better. n H o w t o Possibly no other industry has been under as Possibly no other industry has been under as much stress in recent years than health care much stress in recent years than health care industry and hospitals. Ongoing efforts are industry and hospitals. Ongoing efforts are addressing the shortage of nurses, but more addressing the shortage of nurses, but more help is needed. help is needed. T H E N E X T PAG E T H E N E X T PAG E » S TA RT I N G O N S TA RT I N G O N

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