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Work for ME 2024

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W O R K F O R M E / S P R I N G 2 0 2 4 22 H iring a diverse workforce requires conscious effort, thoughtful conver- sations and ongoing education. It's about much more than ticking boxes or reaching quotas. In today's dynamic work environ- ment, instituting inclusive principles and practices into recruiting and retaining employees is a constant evolution. This task may seem daunting, and just saying that you want to do it isn't enough. But it is achievable with a commitment to the putting in the work and maintaining an open mind. In my role at the Jackson Laboratory, I like to say, "Do diversity with love." Do what you do because you love to do it. The rest will follow. This principle is incredibly important for hiring managers who are the first line when it comes to at- tracting new employees. There are specific tools that help ensure DEI practices are part of recruitment efforts, as outlined below. But first and foremost, incorporating these practices into an or- ganization's overall culture is crucial to creating an environment where a diverse workforce can thrive. Some of my top tips for both hiring man- agers and workplaces as a whole are to: call people "in" vs. calling them "out;" develop "both and" instead of "either/or" thinking; acknowledge your organization's current statistics, and if applicable, assert that you want to do better; admit when you make a mistake and apologize; and remember that just because you don't understand someone's preferences or lifestyle, doesn't mean those things don't matter. You can provide a person everything they need in the workplace without fully understanding their cirumstances. Organizations must strive to be the change they wish to see, reflecting their commitment to diversity in every aspect, from hiring practices to marketing mes- sages. Above all, maintain an open mind, check your judgment at the door, and let your curiosity lead the way. By question- ing traditional practices, acknowledging biases, and embracing inclusivity at every level, organizations can build teams that reflect the diverse world we live in, driving innovation, inclusion and success. How to recruit with DEI in mind B Y M O S E S D A V I S , J A C K S O N L A B P H O T O / C O U R T E S Y O F J A C K S O N L A B S There are specific tools that help ensure DEI practices are part of recruitment efforts. Embrace job flexibility and satisfaction while making a meaningful difference Enjoy 4 days off each week Premium pay for weekends (equaling overtime rate) Pick up extra shifts with us or choose to work a second job elsewhere Fewer trips to work means less spent on gas! Childcare is only needed for 3 days Trading of shifts is allowed Day and Night Shifts are available DISCOVER THE 3-DAY WORKWEEK 5 Dunaway Dr., Sanford, Maine 207.324.7955 WORK + LIFE + BALANCE Moses Davis is director of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion at the Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor. H o w t o

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