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S P R I N G 2 0 2 4 / W O R K F O R M E 19 IBEW Local 567 & 1253 P R O D U C T S We provide licensed Master/Journeyman electricians, apprentices and Tele-data technicians for the construction industry, maintenance, and capital projects in papermills and solar projects. M A R K E T S / C U S T O M E R S Our contractors work in the commercial and industrial markets from small scale projects like an Aspen Dental to large scale projects like Maine General Hospital in Augusta. Our contractors do small scale capital improvement projects in many mills up to a larger scale project like the paper machine rebuild at Sappi, Hinckley as well as in Renewable Energy projects like solar arrays and EV charging. C A R E E R / J O B O P P O R T U N I T I E S The outlook for Local 567 and 1253 is very strong. From the new IDEXX Laboratories building at the Downs in Scarborough to hundreds of megawatts of solar power, Rumford and Skowhegan paper mills rebuilds, Maine Medical Center expansion in Portland. C O M P A N Y B E N E F I T S Local 567 and Local 1253 contractors provide health insurance and two pensions. One is a defined benefit plan and the other is an annuity. I N T E R N S H I P P R O G R A M Locals 567 and 1253 have a four-year apprenticeship program that is free to the apprentices except the cost of books. Apprentices receive classroom training as well as paid on the job hours required for a Maine State electrical license. / 142 Elm Street, Newport / 238 Goddard Rd, Lewiston PHONE: 207.453.1301 / 207.786.9770 LOCAL 567 FOUNDED: 1915 BUSINESS MANAGER, LOCAL 567: Denis Lehouillier BUSINESS MANAGER, LOCAL 1253: Nick Paquet LOCAL 567 MEMBERSHIP: 346 LOCAL 1253 MEMBERSHIP: 300 HEADQUARTERS: Washington, D.C. ADDITIONAL COMPANY LOCATIONS: Multiple locations throughout the U.S. and Canada C O M P A N Y P R O F I L E S p o n s o r e d P r o f i l e C O M M U N I T Y E N G A G E M E N T The IBEW is always on the lookout for different organizations that need help. IBEW 567 Members Sanford Solar