Best Places to Work in Maine

Best Places to Work in Maine 2023

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14 B E S T P L A C E S TO W O R K 2 0 2 3 SMALL EMPLOYER (15 - 49 U.S. EMPLOYEES) Chilton Furniture Chilton provides up to $1,000 per employee annually for education and/ or health maintenance expenses, as well as $100 per employee each year to be donated to a charity of their choice. Within the warehouse, Chilton has al- located a room for gym equipment, which is paid for by the company, allowing team members to engage in regular exercise. The company covers the costs for managers to participate in online MBA programs. Employees who contribute to delivery or make extraordinary efforts receive gift cards as a token of appreciation. All sales team members participate in a monthly profi t-sharing plan. Additionally, Chilton offers $100 per year of service in cash, which can be used to purchase Chilton furniture at wholesale cost. Main Eco Homes Main Eco Homes offers boat days, providing employees with paid outings on the water. The company hosts game nights after hours every other week and organizes holiday parties. A culture of openness and encour- agement to provide feedback ensures that employees feel their opinions have a meaningful impact. In this enjoyable work environment, a mis- take is regarded as a failure only if the employee doesn't learn from it. Main Eco Homes offers three health plan options: one with an HSA, another with no payment requirements for outpa- tient visits (including mental healthcare), and a more traditional plan. Flexible working hours accommodate employees for school events, family medi- cal appointments, and other needs. The Joy Jar provides an opportunity for anonymous compliments or recogni- tion within the organization. TruChoice FCU TruChoice fosters a vibrant work en- vironment through biweekly communi- cation meetings, promoting learning, updates sharing, and employee recogni- tion via the TruSpirit program, where the TruCrew nominates one another for outstanding contributions. Fun-fi lled activities in- clude two annual "spirit weeks" featuring activities, prizes, and theme days, an annual cornhole competi- tion/BBQ, a lively and com- petitive Halloween costume contest, and two annual staff parties. The company supports remote work by offering a home office stipend to assist employees in creating comfort- able workspaces. TruChoice's internal currency, Ken Kash, is earned through peer recognition, project work and event prizes, redeemable for gift cards or prizes. TruEngagers provides a comprehen- sive professional development curricu- lum, further enhancing employee growth. Gelinas HVAC Services During the summer, Gelinas employ- ees enjoy company-paid boat trips on Casco Bay, where they have lunch at the Dolphin Marina/Restaurant. The company places a strong emphasis on fi tness, offering indoor rock climbing sessions at the Salt Pump and daily lunchtime walks. Generous benefi ts at Ge- linas include a one-week fully paid cruise for employees and their spouses to the Caribbean. International trips to Jamaica and Cancun are also fully covered for employees and their spouses for vacation purposes. Throughout the year, there are regular company outings, including golf and disc golf events. For aviation enthusiasts, seaplane rides are offered. During holi- day parties, the company rents entire restaurants for employees and their spouses to celebrate. for 6 years 200 Enterprise Drive, Scarborough | Our FlowCam technology makes a meaningful difference in the world by helping sciennsts develop new and safer pharmaceuncal products, improve the quality of drinking water, and increase understanding of marine and freshwater systems. Parrcle Analysis with VisionĀ® L o r e m i p s u m d o l o r s i t a m e t , c o n s e c - DESIGN|BUILD GENERAL CONTRACTING CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 207-591-7600 OVER 30 YEARS OF CONSTRUCTION EXCELLENCE Photo: Chris Cavallari is paid for by the company, allowing team members to engage in regular exercise. the costs for managers to participate in online MBA # 22 that employees feel their opinions have a meaningful impact. In this enjoyable work environment, a mis- take is regarded as a failure only if the employee doesn't # 23 on fi tness, offering indoor rock climbing sessions at the Salt Pump and daily lunchtime walks. linas include a one-week # 20 clude two annual "spirit weeks" featuring activities, prizes, and theme days, an annual cornhole competi- tion/BBQ, a lively and com- # 21

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