
Health-Fall 2022

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20 HE ALTH • Fall 2022 M ost of us abhor the notion of changing anything, especial- ly at work! It requires new thinking and behaviors, new training, and new methods. Overcoming inertia becomes one of the largest obstacles. Leaders today face numerous challenges when implementing change in the work- place. One of the most important is ensuring all employees are valued and have a voice in the process. Becoming a competent and confi- dent inf luence and persuasion expert is a skill that all leaders need to mas- ter. Learning the skill of self-hypnosis will help improve your own effective- Smart strategies for leading the challenges of change ness as well as appreciate the mind power others can contribute. Leaders can use visualization and guided imagery to fuel their momentum as they begin to confi- dently see the change they intend. Mindfulness at work is a term becoming more commonly used. It refers to the idea of being present in the moment and focusing on what is happening in front of you. This is important for leaders because it allows them to focus on the task at hand, rather than worrying about things that may or may not happen. One of the most important strate- gies for managing change is listen- ing to what employees have to say. By taking the time to listen, leaders can learn what employees are con- cerned about and how they feel about the changes taking place. Smart keys for leading change 1) Be clear about why the change is necessary - Build a strong case for Ensure your team has ALL ACCESS to WBJ. We offer discounted group subscriptions starting at 5 users. Reach out to us at for a quote. WBJ why it is needed, in order to gain employee support. Clarity of pur- pose will help leaders stay focused on the goal of the change initiative. 2) Communicate openly with employees - Get feedback on what employees are concerned about. Make adjustments as needed. 3) Encourage mindful awareness among employees - Provide training or resources to help them focus on the present moment. This will create a positive work environment. 4) Foster a sense of ownership and inclusion among employees - Leaders should be f lexible in their approach, listening to feedback and making adjustments when needed. 5) Help employees understand how they will benefit - This can lead to a more positive attitude and make them more likely to embrace change. 6) Help solve the challenges peo- ple are facing - Ensure everyone is on board with the new direction. 7) Foster courage, confidence, trust within yourself and others - Create an environment in which employees feel comfortable taking risks and making mistakes. Additionally, leaders who have the courage to take bold steps can inspire others to do the same. This can help to speed up the change pro- cess and achieve better results. Stay positive during times of tran- sition. Use the act-as-if principle to help the leadership team think, act, and be the change as if it has already happened. This creates a mental and emotional state accelerating change. Leaders who successfully navigate through times of change often have a few key things in common. They stay positive, focus on the big pic- ture, and use affirmations to keep themselves motivated. They take care of themselves by getting enough sleep and exercise, and avoiding burnout. Leaders who utilize these strategies will be better equipped to handle the challenges that come with leading a team through change. The leader who masters his or her own mind power can leverage the collective ideas of the organization. It all resides in the subconscious mind, yours and theirs. Bob Martel is a professional hypno- tist and coach, focusing on the inner journey of personal and professional improvement using hypnosis as a tool to accelerate change. Reach him at or www.positi- Bob has an expanded version of this article; request it via email. Bob Martel H

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