W o r c e s t e r 3 0 0 : C i t y o f I n n o v a t o r s 21
the company's overall business, which consisted
of special rolling mill equipment, producer gas
machines, and wire-drawing machinery.
Morgan Construction became the world
leader in rolling mill technology and would
persevere for five generations. But its relatively
small size in relation to competition made
it difficult to compete in a capital-intensive
industry without going public. Fih-generation
management reportedly considered this avenue
to be cumbersome due to the advent of stringent
Sarbanes-Oxley reporting requirements for public
companies. It was sold to Siemens AG in 2008.
— Christina P. O'Neill
Image | WBJ File Photo
became the world
leader in rolling
mill technology
and would
persevere for
five generations
before its
2008 sale to
Siemens AG.
is 1921 photo shows a connecting table for a mill at Morgan Construction.