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W O R K F O R M E / S P R I N G 2 0 2 2 14 Electrical JATC (Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee) / 142 Elm St., Newport / 238 Goddard Rd., Lewiston PHONE: 207.215.7298 / 207.786.9770 FOUNDED: 1960 PRESIDENT/CEO: George Howe / Justin Walsh FULL-TIME/ FTE EMPLOYEES: 2 HEADQUARTERS: Newport, Lewiston ADDITIONAL COMPANY LOCATIONS: Augusta Electrical Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee, Portland Joint Apprenticeship training Committee For over 50 years the Electrical JATC has been offering tuition-free electrician's apprentice program. One in Lewiston (IBEW L.U. 567) and another in Newport (IBEW L.U. 1253). These programs are so successful because they operate under a "earn while you learn" philosophy. Apprentices work during the day in the electrical trade and attend classes two nights a week, with an occasional Saturday. To acquire a State of Maine Journeyman's license you need 8,000 hours of on-the-job training and a minimum of 576 classroom hours, unlike most programs, we provided both. n P R O D U C T S A tuition-free, earn-while-you-learn alternative to college electrical courses offering a more hands-on approach to joining the electrical field. M A R K E T S / C U S T O M E R S Motivated individuals interested in a rewarding and lucrative career in the electrical industry. C A R E E R / J O B O P P O R T U N I T I E S Apprentice, journeyman, tele-data technician, foreman, general foreman, supervisor, estimator and business owner. C O M P A N Y B E N E F I T S Tuition-free education as well as continuing education; vision, dental and health insurance, pension, 401k and over $30 an hour for program graduates. I N T E R N S H I P P R O G R A M A 4-year, free apprenticeship. C O M M U N I T Y E N G A G E M E N T The JATC is a not-for-profit, so our appren- tices are required to assist other not-for-profit with small electrical projects. S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y The JATC has numerous apprentices working on solar projects across the state, as well as energy efficient heat pump installations. The JATC's also offer continuous education related to solar and heat pump installation. I've made so many great memories in the 4 short years I've been a part of this apprenticeship, and plan to make many more as a licensed JW. S p o n s o r e d P r o f i l e C O M P A N Y P R O F I L E G A B E S E E L E Y Team members from the JATC working on the solar installation for Kennebunk Light and Power