Best Places to Work in Maine

Best Places to Work in Maine 2021

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B E S T P L A C E S TO W O R K 2 0 2 1 17 Main-Land Develop- ment Consultants, Inc. Main-Land Development Consul- tants honors its employees who have served in the military by giving them an extra day off and personal recognition at the company meeting. Other core values the company strives to live by are a friendly at- titude, integrity, humility, responsiveness, sharing the profits, community ser- vice, and work/life balance. Everyone shares stories and laughter at coffee breaks and looks forward to lunchtime activities together, such as going for a run, snowshoe, bike ride, basketball or the local gym – where Main-Land covers the majority of the dues. Fun office activities include an ice cream social, BBQ lunch on the porch cooked by the boss, birthday celebrations, bakery deliveries, holiday celebrations with games, family out- ings, scavenger hunts and much more. CedarWorks CedarWorks believes in healthy liv- ing, so it offers employees benefits, programs, and a work environment to support a healthy lifestyle. Playfulness is an important part of the culture where fun events such as an annual bowling tourney and picnics are reg- ularly scheduled. It also sponsors employee teams for the National Toboggan Championship, dodgeball and softball, participates in community events like fun runs, and encourages spontaneous fun like impromptu bar- becues. Fun is balanced with a robust wellness program and excellent ben- efits. For instance, CedarWorks covers 75% of health insurance premiums for family members and offers a 100% match for 401(k) contributions. The health and fitness program includes onsite fitness equipment, discounted membership at a local recreation center, and a ping-pong table. Yokogawa Fluid Imaging Technologies Yokogawa Fluid Imaging Technolo- gies employees are vested in the success of the company, thereby creating a strong sense of teamwork. This carries over to the outings and excursions planned by senior manage- ment such as team curl- ing lessons, painting class, pontoon boat lakeside picnics, Sea Dog games, and bowling. Independent thinking is encouraged, and employees don't feel micromanaged. YFT encour- ages employees to find a healthy work/ life balance. A relaxing outdoor space includes patio furniture, a gas grill and horseshoe pit. YFT celebrates employee milestones, such as work anniversaries, birthdays, births, and job promotions. Employees enjoy schedule flexibility on an as needed basis for time off to spend with family, attend kids' games, attend personal appointments. Franklin-Somerset Federal Credit Union Franklin Somerset Federal Credit Union is on a journey of continuous quali- ty improvement and has made significant changes toward improving what it gives to employees. It continually looks at in- dividualizing, humanizing, affirming, and empowering daily experience. Lunch is bought for every employee each Friday with manage- ment frequently providing pickup and delivery. As an appreciation stipend, FSFCU provides all team mem- bers one week of extra pay. FSFCU pays 100% for full-time employees to have Short Term and Long Term Disability Insurance and offers an FSA providing $2,500 upfront with a $500 rollover to avoid loss of dollars. FSFCU contributes 85% of the health insurance premium for employees, spouses and families! Also included? Preventative free drugs for common health conditions. Alternative Wellness Services AWS continually assesses how to improve workplace practices, provide opportunity for growth and increase its benefits package. Floating holidays al- low individuals to take days off that are important to their culture. Three HMOs have various deductibles and co-pays to ensure each staffer's medi- cal needs are met within their budget. Over the past year, the agency employed an ed tech to support parents, whose children had no school, for remote learn- ing. Additionally, they agency provided flex Fridays when each supervisor got at least one three-day weekend per month off. It also provided gift cards for anniver- saries and birthdays and a drawing for staff, who received weekly kudos emails. Years of service recognition includes a certificate and bonus for year 3, 5 and 10. A Zen room provides two massage chairs, yoga ball and mat. Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance MMSA is an organization with a true team structure that constantly tries to learn from entities external to the organization as well as from each other. The organization works toward benefits and learning opportunities that align with everyone's interests like its generous family medical leave policy to support not just new par- ents but life transitions. Another important component is based on happy and engaged employees. To en- sure success, it has a robust orientation process and a buddy system where each new employee is paired with a veteran employee to check in and connect with for questions. MMSA is also increasing equitable access to STEM education – a topic the staff felt strongly about. That includes professional development and tuition reimbursement policies. SMALL EMPLOYER (15 - 49 U.S. EMPLOYEES) # 28 # 32 # 30 # 29 # 33 # 31 Purchase a group subscription for your team or entire organization. Get access to Mainebiz for your entire team EMAIL CIRCULATION@MAINEIBZ.BIZ FOR MORE INFORMATION

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