B E S T P L A C E S TO W O R K 2 0 1 9 31
Harriman Associates
Recognizing that employees are its
greatest asset, Harriman Associates'
leadership team provides a supportive,
collaborative, caring environment. To
reinforce that, the team utilizes feed-
back received through Best Places To
Work surveys to address areas where
the firm was not highly
ranked. As an example,
communication was an
area where employees felt
Harriman had not been
doing its best. So a com-
munications committee was formed
throughout all the Harriman offices,
not just in Maine but New Hampshire
and Massachusetts as well. Despite the
long tenure of many employees, the or-
ganization does not just keep following
the same processes. It constantly seeks
improvements. A current initiative to
issue laptops to most employees will
open the door to developing a formal
flexible work program.
Day's Jewelers
When Day's Jewelers asks employees,
"What do you look forward to each day
and what keeps you working here?"
the overwhelming majority say, "I love
my customers and the team of people
I work with." Discover Day's Day is
a special time when a group of new
hires is invited to corpo-
rate headquarters for a
full day with the company
owners and president to
learn the company's his-
tory, vision and mission
and meet support staff. Education
and industry certifications are offered
to all employees. Day's is a member
of several organizations offering tu-
ition discounts and scholarships, and
provides tuition reimbursement. The
annual holiday party hosts employees
and their guests for dinner, cocktails,
awards, party games, photo booth,
and dancing.
Standin th
Ts of m
" Bs Paces to Wr i Maine"
Day's Diamonds for Peace Program
Learn more at daysjewelers.com/diamonds-for-peace
Congratulations to all of the
2019 Best Places to Work
winners for your exceptional
workplace culture and
committed staff!!
~ Lebel & Harriman ~
P: (207) 773-5390 | info@lebelharriman.com
366 US Route One, Falmouth, ME 04105