Best Places to Work in Maine

Best Places to Work 2018

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B E S T P L A C E S TO W O R K 2 0 1 8 36 LARGE COMPANIES [ 250+ employees ] Described as caring, sup- portive, knowledgeable, and "like a hug at one of the most intense times in your life", the longstanding staff of Androscoggin Home Healthcare and Hospice have cultivated an organization known for its heart. That hug extends to employees, too. The organization contributes 2% of gross pay per year to employee retirement plans after one year of service, regardless of whether employees contribute, with an- other 2% if employees contribute at least 4% themselves. Recognition programs include an em- ployee hotline: Employees or patients can call and record accolades. Each week a win- ner is selected for a $50 gift and accolades are published in the monthly newsletter. The employee with the most accolades is recognized at an employee banquet. Androscoggin Home Healthcare + Hospice Those in the know have said NFI North is one of the nonprofit world's best-kept secrets. For over 25 years, the agency has quietly provided services across Maine and New Hampshire, employing more than 300 individuals and serving thousands. Key values focus on treating people with respect, providing a learning environment and empowering people. These values cre- ate a positive organizational culture, with employees having meaningful roles. NFI keeps open lines of communication that include surveys, supervision and other em- ployee engagement strategies. Employees know leadership cares about their input and will provide multiple opportunities to advance careers and capabilities. Recognitions include anniversary gifts and awards that reflect core values like "Courage to Grow" and "Remarkable Role Model." NFI North # 16 # 17 Plan now to join the best of the best and prove that your business is a Best Place to Work in Maine. Look for registration to open Spring 2019! Do your employees take pride in what you do? Stop guessing and find out. 2018 AN EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT PROGRAM BESTPLACESTOWORKME.COM InterMed's nearly 800 physicians and employees are driven by a shared vision, "Care without compromise. Every patient all the time." Said Physical Therapy's Sherry Seymour, "I love how all depart- ments support each other and collaborate to make sure our patients get the best service at our practice. It shows how much we really care for each other and how strongly we feel about having a good team." In that collaborative environment, employees enjoy a wide range of spirit- building activities, from pumpkin-carving contests to Bob Marley comedy shows. "Fun Committees" hold department events like team breakfasts and Super Bowl luncheons. Organization-wide events include summer BBQs and the popular Ugly Sweater Holiday Contest. Intermed's gain-sharing program pro- vides bonuses and employees receive milestone gifts. InterMed, P.A. # 18 Proud to be one of the Best Companies to Work for in Maine. Come enjoy making a difference in someone's life. Join our team and be a part of helping thousands of children, youth, families, adults and seniors with diverse needs to make positive changes in their lives, to achieve personal goals, and experience the full promise of life in their communities. We have fun doing serious work. (603) 746-7550 We're Hiring! NFI North_Mainebiz Advertisement_Press Ready.indd 1 9/12/2018 9:09:38 AM Worried about cybersecurity? We have your back for a price you can afford. Bob thought he could handle security himself. Until he was compromised.

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