Hartford Business Journal Special Editions

Doing Business in Connecticut 2018

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GERIATRIC BEHAVIORAL CARE CENTER at Manchester Memorial Hospital Your mind's in the right place. When you recognize a behavioral health challenge in a senior patient or loved one, there's a new place to turn. ECHN's Geriatric Behavioral Care Center is inpatient care that's safe and nurturing, with a clinical team focused specifically on the needs of seniors. Collaborative and focused, it's the right place for the person you care about. Behavioral Health 860.647.6800 | echn.org/geriatricbehavioralcare ECHN complies with applicable federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability or sex. ATTENTION: if you speak English or any other language, language assistant services are available to you free of charge. Call 860.646.1222.

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