24 Hartford Business Journal • March 5, 2018 • www.HartfordBusiness.com 24 Hartford Business Journal • March 5, 2018 • www.HartfordBusiness.com
Small/Medium Cos.
Intellinet aims to be 'purpose-driven' company
By Wendy Pierman Mitzel
Special to the Hartford Business Journal
ore than ever, employees
today are working not
just to earn a paycheck,
but for a chance to im-
pact the world in a positive way.
The Hartford office for Intellinet, a
national management consulting and
technology service provider, takes that
a step further, aiming to "raise the bar"
for other companies to follow suit.
"We strive to be different," said Steve
Roux, Intellinet's president. "Intellinet is a
purpose-driven company whose mission
is to make an impact through transform-
ing our client's businesses, enriching our
employees' families, and materially giving
back to our communities."
Laura Albini, Intellinet's vice president
of marketing, said the culture of giving
is appealing to employees because they
want to have a lasting impact.
To date, Intel-
linet has donated
over $1.2 million
in support of over
30 local, national
and global chari-
ties, including
local food banks,
Autism Speaks of
Greater Hartford
and A Hand Up,
which collects
and distributes
donated goods to
people transitioning out of homeless-
ness in Hartford.
One of the greatest sources of pride is
the strategic partnership formed in 2016
with New Story, a Silicon Valley-based
charity to fund the land and construc-
tion of 115 homes in the earthquake-
ravaged village of Minoterie, Haiti.
"We are so proud of all this, but it's
really the good work of the people here
that makes it all happen," says Roux.
The Intellinet culture committee
meets quarterly to engage all employ-
ees in a "vibrant, productive, and fun-
working environment."
"We aspire to be the best place any of
our employees have ever worked," says
Roux. "Therefore, we invest in purpose-
ful opportunities to bring our dispersed
consulting workforce together."
Cultural perks include: team-build-
ing events like race car driving and
cooking experiences; family events like
carnivals, baseball and college football
games; walks for charity; mountain
hikes; an employee appreciation week
extravaganza with free massages, car
washes and meals; and the annual holi-
day party celebration for camaraderie
with spouses and significant others.
Consultants are recognized finan-
cially throughout the year, as well, with
the opportunity to earn an additional
$10,000 to $20,000 through a consult-
ing hourly bonus incentive. And teams
that reach billable hour goals can
qualify for a $1,000 per person bonus.
"The consulting business is hard,"
says Albini. "There are lots of long
hours, there is a lot of give and take."
Intellinet rewards that loyalty.
Employees who reach a five-year work
milestone are rewarded with a two-week
paid sabbatical in addition to their an-
nual paid-time-off accrual for that year.
Another sabbatical is earned at the
completion of 10 years of employment,
and every five years thereafter.
CT Headquarters: Farmington
Industry: Consulting
Website: https://www.intellinet.com
Twitter: @IntellinetCorp
Top CT Executive: Steve Roux,
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