Hartford Business Journal Special Editions

Giving Guide — November 7, 2017

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48 Hartford Business Journal • GIVING GUIDE • November 7, 2017 • www.HartfordBusiness.com Business Gives Back 2017 United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut GREATER HARTFORD'S BUSINESS NEWS WWW.HARTFORDBUSINESS.COM VOLUME 25 • NUMBER 45 $19.95 NOVEMBER 7, 2017 HARTFORD BUSINESS JOURNAL Sponsored by: www.HartfordBusiness.com | 860.236.9998 HARTFORD BUSINESS JOURNAL REACH THE BUSINESS MARKETPLACE The Giving Guide will be seen by over 35,000 people in our business community. It is delivered directly to all Hartford Business Journal subscribers and distributed at over 12 HBJ signature events, as well additional distribution through our strategic Giving Guide nonprofit and sponsor channels. The Giving Guide digital edition is available at www.HartfordBusiness. com with direct links to our featured nonprofits' and sponsors' websites. To see a sample, please go to www. HartfordBusiness.com and click on Special Editions. GET INVOLVED For sponsorship and feature profile information please contact: Donna Collins at dcollins@HartfordBusiness.com or 860-236-9998, ext. 121. Be a part of the 2018 Giving Guide TELL YOUR STORY Many organizations have told us that they value the opportunity to get their mission, their Fundraising Events and Opportunities, and their volunteer opportunities out to the marketplace. The very best way to inform the business community about the opportunities that exist in your organization is to be part of the 2018 Giving Guide. It is also a great way to introduce your leaders and board of directors. P R E V I O U S C O V E R S H O W N

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