Best Places to Work in Maine

Best Places to Work in Maine 2017

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33 B E S T P L A C E S TO W O R K 2 0 1 7 LARGE COMPANIES [ 250+ employees ] May 8 - 1 1 , 2018 | Samoset Resort 23rd Annual Maine HR Convention Congratulations to the 2017 Recipients! The Annual Maine HR Convention is produced in partnership with the SHRM Maine State Council and is a proud supporter of the Best Places to Work in Maine. Bookmark Us Expand your HR business knowledge, build HR networks, and enhance your HR career. Join us for a day, two days, or all four days. Online registration will begin in early January. Join our e-mailing list to receive convention announcements, by emailing Athenahealth partners with hospital and ambula- tory clients to drive clinical and fi nancial results, combin- ing insights from a network of 99,000 providers and 88 million pa- tients to perform administrative work at scale. Annual parties have fun themes like "athenaween," for Halloween, with a decoration contest open to families to come and trick-or-treat. Their beauti- ful campus features hiking trails, on- site cafeteria with wood-fi red pizza oven, pool and ping pong tables, beer fridge, and an open atrium with green- ery. Extensive paid leave provides 12 weeks for maternity, 6 weeks for pater- nity and adoption, and 6-12 weeks for sabbatical after eight years. athenahealth TD Bank, America's Most Convenient Bank, is headquartered in Cherry Hill, N.J., with Maine of- fi ces in Falmouth. Employee Appreciation Week is an entire week devoted to employ- ees for all they do. Managers host daily activities and provide surprises throughout the week. TD Bank offers employees benefi ts and discounts on a range of banking products and services. TD has several contests each year allowing employees to win prizes or gift cards. Employees enjoy celebrating colleagues with a WOW! patrol – employees who gather with upbeat music, signs and costumes. Celebrations include promotions, job anniversaries and going above and beyond. TD Bank Sargent Corporation, in Stillwater, is an earth- work company special- izing in commercial, in- dustrial and institutional site preparation, landfi ll construc- tion, highway and utility projects, airports, athletic facilities and wind power access. Sargent's Employee Stock Ownership Plan offers 10% of com- pany profi t paid equally each year to all employees. Employees earn $40 in gift cards for every 600 hours they work with satisfactory job perfor- mance. Sargent offers a $500 refer- ral bonus when co-workers refer new employees to the company. Sargent takes pride in engaging with employees for barbecues on Fridays, wellness challenges and ice cream Fridays. TPx Communications, headquartered in Los Angeles, Calif., with of- fi ces in South Portland, is a premier national managed services carrier. Several company events are held each year, with employees' families invited. Recognition for hard work and achievements is constant. The company offers free tickets to events, monthly potluck lunches, and celebra- tions for life events. The Customer Care Rave Program awards $50 gift cards to employees each month from a random drawing of positive customer surveys and emails. Bonuses are paid upon successful certifi cation tests. Special Projects outside the normal scope of work can also help employees earn bonuses. Sargent Corporation TPx Communications TPx Communications, headquartered in Los Angeles, Calif., with of- fi ces in South Portland, is a premier fi ces in South Portland, is a premier # 14 # 15 Most Convenient Bank, is headquartered in Cherry Hill, N.J., with Maine of- fi ces in Falmouth. # 12 in Stillwater, is an earth- work company special- izing in commercial, in- dustrial and institutional # 13 2017 Thank you to all of our employees who make this a great place to work everyday! Proud to be Employee Owned Since 2013

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