Best Places to Work in Maine

Best Places to Work in Maine 2017

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B E S T P L A C E S TO W O R K 2 0 1 7 30 LARGE COMPANIES [ 250+ employees ] Consigli Construction Co., Inc. is a leading full-service construction manager and gen- eral contractor serv- ing academic, health care, institutional, life sciences, corporate, landmark restora- tion and federal cli- ents throughout the Northeast and Mid- Atlantic regions. A leader in sustainable construction prac- tices, Consigli is con- sistently ranked in the national Top 100 Green Contractors of Engineering News- Record Magazine. Consigli is recog- nized for innovative services and advanced technology, but remains true build- ers. Through the company's ability to self-perform several trades, the workforce can fi nd effi ciencies, solve problems and plan projects better than other fi rms that strictly manage subcontractors. It's an advantage that speaks to the company's pedigree and to its dedication to employees, who are driven to keep the Consigli name synonymous with highly successful projects. The rewards of that mutual com- mitment are substantial. Recognition and appreciation is an informal part of the culture. Managers are always encouraged to recognize employees publicly via intranet and socially with team outings. Consigli's rec- ognition award pro- gram allows employ- ees to nominate peers when performance exceeds expectations and exemplifies core values around fan ser- vice, individual or team performance, selfl essness and teamwork. Consigli's CEO even sends out personalized thank you notes. A number of cele- bratory events, especially after busy season, ensure employees know the company is proud of them and appre- ciates them. Consigli rolled out an Innovation Incentive Program that awards up to $2,500 to employees who provide top innovation ideas. Midyear and an- nual performance reviews result in bonuses and salary increases for high performers. Consigli provides best-in- class benefi ts to employees and their families, while giving a variety of choice and fl exibility of benefi ts. A unique aspect of the program applies to married employees who opt out of the medical insurance program: they receive $500 per month. Consigli's Leaders Program spans two years and focuses on leadership theory, practical application and networking. Career planning semi- nars with the president are required for new employees. A 12-week Management Development Program provides education about manage- ment topics. Mondays, the entire of- fi ce has a Stand-Up Meeting, keeping everyone informed about workloads and project milestones. The annual meeting is held at Gillette Stadium each year, where the entire company gathers to review the past year, set goals and socialize with the executive staff and remote offi ces while enjoy- ing food and beverages. Consigli Construction Co., Inc. Bonuses, incentive programs, and celebratory events Consigli Construction Co., Inc. 15 Franklin St. Portland, ME 04101 Top local executive: Anthony Consigli, Chief Executive Offi cer Year established: 1905 Maine employees: 36 Website: Consigli Construction # 3 The Consigli team took a March ski trip to Sugarloaf Mountain. Bagels, coffee, movies and blankets were provided for everyone, along with transportation and lift tickets. Stay informed, engaged and connected with a print + digital subscription to Mainebiz. You'll receive bi-weekly issues, special publications and full online access! Southern Maine builds Southern Maine builds Southern Maine builds on diverse industries on diverse industries on diverse industries S O U T H E R N M A I N E S O U T H E R N M A I N E S O U T H E R N M A I N E F O C U S F O C U S F O C U S Economy Economy Economy motion motion motion in in in Economy in Economy Economy Economy in Economy in Economy in Economy Economy Economy in Economy motion in motion motion motion in motion in motion in motion motion motion in motion $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 July 10, 2017 July 10, 2017 July 10, 2017 VO L . X X I I I N O. X V VO L . X X I I I N O. X V VO L . X X I I I N O. X V Know Maine Business. Or call: 845.267.3008 Subscribe online: F U L L C O N T E N T S O N PA G E 4 F U L L C O N T E N T S O N PA G E 4 F U L L C O N T E N T S O N PA G E 4 on diverse industries on diverse industries on diverse industries S O U T H E R N M A I N E F O C U S S TA R T S O N PA G E 1 1 S O U T H E R N M A I N E F O C U S S TA R T S O N PA G E 1 1 S O U T H E R N M A I N E F O C U S S TA R T S O N PA G E 1 1 » F U L L C O N T E N T S O N PA G E 4 F O C U S S O U T H E R N M A I N E M U S H RO O M A N D C O N S T R U C T I O N P H O T O S / T I M G R E E N W AY P O R T S M O U T H N AVA L S H I P YA R D P H O T O S / J I M N E U G E R 12 Anchoring Kittery The Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, a major employer in southern Maine, gears up for the future. 16 A real estate surge A shortage of existing homes has contractors scrambling to meet the demand for housing. 19 Ag's next wave? Mushroom growers are cultivating a variety of fungi to keep up with demand from chefs and consumers. Southern Maine builds on diverse industries S O U T H E R N M A I N E F O C U S Economy motion S O U T H E R N M A I N E F O C U S S TA R T S O N PA G E 1 1 » in $2.00 July 10, 2017 VO L . X X I I I N O. X V F U L L C O N T E N T S O N PA G E 4 F O C U S S O U T H E R N M A I N E M U S H RO O M A N D C O N S T R U C T I O N P H O T O S / T I M G R E E N WAY P O R T S M O U T H N AVA L S H I P YA R D P H O T O S / J I M N E U G E R 12 Anchoring Kittery The Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, a major employer in southern Maine, gears up for the future. 16 A real estate surge A shortage of existing homes has contractors scrambling to meet the demand for housing. 19 Ag's next wave? Mushroom growers are cultivating a variety of fungi to keep up with demand from chefs and consumers. Southern Maine builds on diverse industries S O U T H E R N M A I N E F O C U S Economy motion S O U T H E R N M A I N E F O C U S S TA R T S O N PA G E 1 1 » in $2.00 July 10, 2017 VO L . X X I I I N O. X V

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