Best Places to Work in Maine

Best Places to Work in Maine 2017

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B E S T P L A C E S TO W O R K 2 0 1 7 20 MEDIUM COMPANIES [ 50 - 249 employees ] • • • • • Damariscotta Bank & Trust is a small midcoast community bank with six branches offering consum- er and commercial deposit products. The bank takes pride in being small, local and personalized. The fl exible and family-friendly work environment echoes that sen- sibility. Employees enjoy dress down days every Friday and every snow day. Birthdays are paid holidays. The CEO and VP of HR visit staff to deliver sur- prise "cupcake" days. The Annual Fall Employee Recognition Night includes prizes, games, food, awards and more. An internal professional development program allows classes during bank time, rewarding employees with pay increases and bonuses. Damariscotta Bank & Trust The Finance Authority of Maine, in Augusta, helps lead the creation of good paying jobs for Maine residents by working at the nexus between economic and workforce development. Employees participate in well- ness challenges and receive prizes. Wellness is also promoted through healthy snacks and drinks provided at all meetings and bi-weekly chair massages. Employees enjoy Employee Appreciation Day, random pizza luncheons, dress-down Fridays, fl ex- ible work scheduling, and a monthly kudos program given by the CEO. FAME's charitable giving committee votes once a year on quarterly proj- ects, then does fundraising and other events to support those charities. Finance Authority of Maine Day One, in South Portland, is a nonprofi t dedicated to addressing substance use disorders and mental health con- cerns among kids and young adults in Maine. Employees receive a $400 annual training benefi t, pro-rated for part- time employees, to help them with CEUs or classes of interest that re- late to their position. Day One pro- vides a license achievement incentive when employees obtain their profes- sional license and/or certifi cation. Employees can donate earned and unused time off to be used by em- ployees who need paid time off due to medical issues regarding them- selves, spouses, domestic partners, children or parents. Day One # 22 ReVision Energy Authority of Maine, in Augusta, helps lead the creation of good paying jobs for Maine residents by working # 20 Portland, is a nonprofi t dedicated to addressing substance use disorders and mental health con- # 21 ReVision Energy, based in Liberty, is a full-service renewable energy con- tracting company that provides engineering, design, installa- tion and equipment service for homes, businesses, municipal buildings and nonprofi ts. The company offers plenty of fun with rafting trips, schooner trips and birthday treats. The Commute Another Way Challenge promotes cycling and walking to and from work. Employees receive paid volunteer time and are al- lowed fl exible scheduling. Employees receive discretionary bo- nuses from the partners that refl ect the profi tability of the company over- all. Revision offers two medical plans, one with an HSA that is company matched for the fi rst $1,000 every year. # 23

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