Best Places to Work in Maine

Best Places to Work in Maine 2017

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29 B E S T P L A C E S TO W O R K 2 0 1 7 LARGE COMPANIES [ 250+ employees ] At Machias Savings Bank, the fo- cus is on the customers and their unique financial visions—whether they are looking for a personal or business checking or savings account, a per- sonal or business loan, retirement accounts or online services such as online banking with BillPay, Apple and Samsung Pay, or any- thing in-between. With a dedicated staff working with each customer to find the products and services that fit their finance needs, the bank seeks to show its appreciation. Annually, each employ- ee and one guest are in- vited to attend a bankwide concert at the Bangor Waterfront for free. Twice a year, the bank celebrates Employee Appreciation Week—allowing casual dress, providing free lunch, hosting contests and giving each employee gifts. Profi t-sharing is available to all em- ployees based on bank performance. In 2016 all employees received 8% of their annual income. Employees are eligible for deposit incentives based on bank promotions, and they're awarded shares based on the performance of the bank that year: when employees leave or retire, this is cashed out as a bonus. The company m a k e s c o n t r i - butions, up to $125 a month, to health savings accounts for em- ployees with high- deductible plans. Annual biometric s c r e e n i n g a n d health coaching are offered; par- ticipants are eligible for discounts on their health insurance premiums. Wellness activities range from group fi tness classes to free chair massages and healthy snack options. A week- long challenge saw employees log- ging exercises like "The Black Bear Rumble," for strength-training or weight-lifting. The management trainee program grooms employees for supervisory roles. Financial Service Specialists have training plans that outline skills, courses and knowledge necessary to advance to next levels. An in-house, year-long Leadership Institute helps high-performers. Mutual input is valued. Employees gather for team meetings on Monday mornings, when organization and de- partment information is shared. The "Monday Morning News" also shares important information. Each month, the president awards the coveted President's Exceptional Experience Award to an employee who has had exemplary customer ser- vice. The employee is featured in the weekly internal news, receives a small trophy and $500. A coin reward sys- tem recognizes employees who have outstanding on-the-job performance. Employees can recognize fellow co- workers and managers, and manag- ers can recognize employees. Years of service are recognized at the annual employee rally. Machias Savings Bank Exercise challenges and leadership training Machias Savings Bank P.O. Box 318 Machias, ME 04654 Top local executive: Larry Barker, President/CEO Year established: 1869 Maine employees: 250 Website: # 2 The Presque Isle branch dressed up during the Super Hero themed Employee Appre- ciation Week.

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