
August 21, 2017

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V O L . X X I I I N O. X I X A U G U S T 2 1 , 2 0 1 7 8 B U S I N E S S M A I N E B U S I N E S S M A I N E B U S I N E S S N E W S F RO M A RO U N D T H E S TAT E telescopic bleachers. "If you're sit- ting on a bleacher anywhere in North America, there's a chance it was made right here in North Berwick," said Gary Merrill, president and CEO. Hussey said that of its business was from outside the state of Maine, yet the company had a local payroll of million. Hussey, which was founded in , has full-time employees. N O T E W O R T H Y S O U T H E R N The National Institute on Drug Abuse awarded a grant totaling $185,413 to the University of New England in Biddeford to help fund research into the therapeutic potential of interferon- beta for HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders in opioid users. Southern Maine Community College and Kaplan University, both in South Portland, signed agreements that ensure graduates from select college academic programs the ability to transi- tion to correlating programs at the uni- versity. Programs include fi re science, criminal justice, early childhood educa- tion, information technology, human services, liberal studies-psychology, business administration and nursing. Adria Moynihan Rusk, an artist and painting instructor, opened a studio at 82 Elm St. in Portland. The space includes three studios and a teaching room. Chilton Furniture Co. and Sea Bags of Maine announced the introduction of the High Mast Bed, a collaboration inspired by Maine's woodworking and seafaring heritage. The frame for the High Mast Bed is a modern interpreta- tion of a classic four poster bed. Waterville enters into solar partnership e city of Waterville and Falmouth- based Gizos Energy LLC have entered into a partnership to develop two solar arrays that would generate mega- watts. e Morning Sentinel reported that the larger of the arrays would pro- duce megawatts and be on the city's capped Webb Road land ll. e project, which could begin in , would generate up to construction jobs and, once completed, provide power to Environmental Due Dilligence Is At Our Core Contact Nick Sabatine at the idea-stage: 207-772-2891 D E V E L O P M E N T \ \ D U E D I L I G E N C E \ \ E N V I R O N M E N TA L H E A LT H & S A F E T Y \ \ M U N I C I P A L \ \ U T I L I T Y, E N E R G Y & M A N U F A C T U R I N G Due Diligence Wastewater Engineering Storm Water Engineering Permitting Water Supply Engineering GIS Applications Turnkey Brownfield Services Remediation Funding Assistance Consulting Engineers and Scientists C E N T R A L & W E S T E R N There is simply no substitute for good judgment and getting things right the first time. That's where Drummond Woodsum attorneys Dan Rose, Pete Felmly, Laurel McClead, Tom Trenholm and Elek Miller can help. A group of highly specialized attorneys focused on providing human resource professionals with the guidance they need in dealing with personnel matters. We practice law differently. Since 1965. | 800.727.1941 800.727.1941 800.727.1941 800.727.1941 800.727.1941 800.727.1941 800.727.1941 800.727.1941 800.727.1941 800.727.1941 800.727.1941 800.727.1941 800.727.1941 Workplace Solutions for Maine Employers

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