
August 21, 2017

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V I E W P O I N T S W W W. M A I N E B I Z . B I Z 3 A U G U S T 2 1 , 2 0 1 7 For a daily digest of Maine's top business news, sign up for the Mainebiz Daily Report at Get Maine's business news daily at and on Twitter (@Mainebiz). Below is some of the best from our online-only offerings: Featured @ From the Editor W e sent three reporters to Bangor for our annual focus section on the Queen City and they came back with some interesting stories. Bangor is proving again its determination to revitalize the downtown and stay apace with the economy. Laurie Schreiber checked in with the general manager of the Bangor Mall, a regional mall owned by Indianapolis-based Simon Property Group, about the rapidly changing world of retail. People are still going to shopping centers, she reports, but mall owners have to be increasingly savvy about using technology and keeping shoppers engaged. See cover story, which starts on page . Lori Valigra visited a milk-production plant being tted out by Pineland Farms and its backer, the Libra Foundation. After Pineland Farms Potato Co. was sold to Bob Evans Farms Inc., Pineland Farms and Libra started looking at growing seg- ments of the food industry. e partnership is investing in a Bangor facility that will make milk blends that can be sold to brands like Dunkin' Donuts, Cheesecake Factory, Sara Lee and possibly even Bob Evans. See page . Renee Cordes met with Bob Montgomery-Rice, president and CEO of Bangor Savings Bank, about the institution's new headquarters on the Bangor waterfront. e project, now under construction, demonstrates the bank's commitment to the city even as an increasing share of its business comes from southern Maine. e commitment is not just the dol- lars invested, but the number of well-paying jobs the site will host. As Montgomery- Rice points out, the new head- quarters will be able to accom- modate peo- ple — certainly demonstrating the bank's com- mitment to the city. See page . Heard on Main Street Cumberland County Federal Credit Union may be the latest such institution to expand. As reported recently by Laurie Schreiber in the Real Estate Insider, the credit union acquired a one-acre parcel in front of the Hannaford supermarket in Yarmouth, at U.S. Route One. It paid , for the site, which had been owned by Hannaford Bros. Co. Elsewhere on Route One in Yarmouth, Five County Federal Credit Union has a new branch it built from the ground up … In Brunswick, Waltz Long-Term Care Pharmacy in Brunswick, cel- ebrating its th anniversary, is also rebranding itself as Guardian Pharmacy of Maine. Over a decade, the pharmacy has twice moved into larger facilities, made tech upgrades and hired full-time employ- ees. Most recently, it has entered into a partnership with Guardian Pharmacy Services, a group of long-term pharmacies with customer support based in Atlanta. is is the only Maine location. Peter Van Allen Determination and grit in Bangor Maine in Top 10 for wind energy The U.S. Department of Energy reported that Maine ranked 8th nationally in annual installed wind ener- gy capacity in 2016, based on the 288 megawatts of utility-scale wind that was added last year. Overall, America's wind industry added more than 8,200 MW of capacity last year, representing 27% of all energy capacity additions in 2016. Fourteen states now get more than 10% of their electricity from wind, with Maine ranking 10th for in-state generation of electricity from wind power, at 13.9%. Find out more at Vets First Choice acquires two pharmaceutical companies After getting a $223 million public capital infusion in mid July, Direct Vet Marketing, doing business as Vets First Choice, made good on its promise to expand by acquisition announcing on Aug. 10 that it had bought two pharmaceutical practices to boost its prescription management business. Find out more at LEED Platinum for CEI headquarters Coastal Enterprises Inc. has earned the highest Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design accredita- tion for its new headquarters in Brunswick. To earn the LEED Platinum designation, CEI's building received all of the available points for energy efficiency, due to its energy-efficient lighting, heating, cooling and mechanical systems, as well as insulation. Find out more at Be smart. BE SHUR. When you need a lawyer who thinks like an executive and speaks like a human. Bangor is proving again its Bangor is proving again its Bangor is proving again its Bangor is proving again its Bangor is proving again its Bangor is proving again its Bangor is proving again its Bangor is proving again its Bangor is proving again its Bangor is proving again its Bangor is proving again its Bangor is proving again its Bangor is proving again its Bangor is proving again its determination to revitalize the determination to revitalize the determination to revitalize the determination to revitalize the determination to revitalize the determination to revitalize the determination to revitalize the determination to revitalize the determination to revitalize the determination to revitalize the determination to revitalize the determination to revitalize the downtown and stay apace with the economy.

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