
August 7, 2017

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V I E W P O I N T S W W W. M A I N E B I Z . B I Z 3 A U G U S T 7 , 2 0 1 7 For a daily digest of Maine's top business news, sign up for the Mainebiz Daily Report at Get Maine's business news daily at and on Twitter (@Mainebiz). Below is some of the best from our online-only offerings: Featured @ From the Editor T he qualities of leadership defi ne this year's Mainebiz Women to Watch. We've seen so many times in Maine the impact one person can make. is year we off er fi ve honor- ees that have made an impact not only at their com- pany, nonprofi t or school, but on the wider Maine economy and community. By "community" I don't just mean the municipality where they live or do business. I mean the collective community that we inhabit in Maine, where seem- ingly everyone knows one another, where the fi ercest winter storms don't slow us down, where people help one another out, where we badger people from away about moving here (or moving back here). We have leader who took over the family con- struction business from her father. We have a law dean and Philadelphia native who came to Maine by way of Hawaii. We have a CEO who was born in France and came to Maine, by her own admis- sion, not knowing much about Portland. We have a Minnesota native, drawn by the history of the East Coast and by some of the same attributes of her home state. We have a leader who professed to be retired, but who works harder than many people in the prime of their careers. Overall, we have lead- ers who have made a conscious decision to move to Maine or, in one case, move back to Maine after college, to make a life here. One of the leaders cited as her last book read "Undaunted Courage," the story of the Lewis and Clark expedition writ- ten by Stephen Ambrose. at seems like a fi t- ting theme for these fi ve leaders. e fi ve people profi led in these pages repre- sent where Maine is going right now. Here they are (presented in alphabetical order): ¡ Danielle M. Conway: Dean, Univesity of Maine School of Law ¡ Elizabeth Hayes: president/CEO, Infi nity Federal Credit Union ¡ Patricia Rosi: CEO, the Wellness Connection ¡ Nancy Strojny: chair, SCORE — Portland chapter ¡ Deirdre Wadsworth: president, Hardypond Construction We hope you enjoy the profi les and we encour- age you to join us to honor the fi ve on Sept. 14, from 5-7 p.m., at the Eastland in Portland. Corporate security in the data age Not to be forgotten in this issue, we have a focus section on corporate security, which in this day and age means protecting data. Staff Writer Laurie Schreiber talks to data security companies about how to protect company records, while correspon- dent Maureen Milliken talks to experts on industry trends. e focus starts on Page 31. Peter Van Allen Undaunted courage New addition to Portland's Old Port Brooklyn, N.Y.-based West Elm, which is part of San Francisco- based Williams- Sonoma Inc., opened its 101st store in Portland's Old Port, at 164 Middle St. Its marketing manager described the store as having a "boutique mind- set" but which operates with a "small-business mentality." Find out more about West Elm's plans for Portland at Technology with a twist Husson University College of Business wants its students to understand how information technolo- gy systems and computer applications fit into the business and social world, speeding their entry into careers as diverse as health care and profes- sional sports. Find out more about Husson's new undergraduate degree in integrated technology at Connection to clean energy Central Maine Power has sub- mitted several proposals in response to Massachusetts' clean energy RFP, including a new transmission line between Maine and Quebec that could provide $150 million in annual electricity cost sav- ings by tapping the hydropower resources of Hydro-Quebec. Find out more about CMP's New England Clean Energy Connect project and its other proposals at Be ready. BE SHUR. When you need outside legal counsel that feels like par t of your team. The five Women to Watch The five Women to Watch The five Women to Watch The five Women to Watch The five Women to Watch The five Women to Watch The five Women to Watch The five Women to Watch The five Women to Watch profiled in these pages profiled in these pages profiled in these pages profiled in these pages profiled in these pages profiled in these pages profiled in these pages profiled in these pages profiled in these pages profiled in these pages profiled in these pages profiled in these pages profiled in these pages represent where Maine is going right now.

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