
August 7, 2017

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F U L L C O N T E N T S O N PA G E 4 F O C U S C O R P O R AT E S E C U R I T Y 36 Cyber notebook Check out some of the latest trends in corporate security and cybersecurity. 2013 32 Cyber crime Maine experts in corporate security talk about how to protect vital business records. P H O T O S / T I M G R E E N WAY PRESEN T ING SP ONSORS Mainebiz is proud to present the 2017 Women to Watch. This year we had so many great nominees, we named five honorees instead of the traditional four. They come from a range of industries and each have an interesting story to tell. Each is a strong leader in her own way — and we think you'll agree these Women to Watch are blazing a trail in the Maine economy. PATRICIA ROSII ELIZABETH HAYESI DANIELLE M. CONWAYI DEIRDRE WADSWORTHI NANCY STROJNYI P R O F I L E S S TA R T O N P A G E 1 4 $2.00 August 7, 2017 VO L . X X I I I N O. X V I I I

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