
June 26, 2017

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V O L . X X I I I N O. X I V J U N E 2 6 , 2 0 1 7 24 E N E R G Y F O C U S "Some people shop here to four times a day, com- ing in for coff ee, lunch and shopping," Frey says. "We are designed as a community market where neighbors meet neighbors while going up and down the aisles." Cooke looks for diff erent things as he strolls the aisles: organic items, easily accessible displays, clearly marked foods, especially those sourced locally. An envi- ronmental scientist by training, he formerly worked for the Maine Department of Environmental Protection and developed the Maine Green Lodging Certifi cation Program. Meadowmere Resort and Beachmere Inn, both in Ogunquit, have the certifi cate. Manomet's grocery operation is a fee-for-service program. Manomet is funded through grants, donors and foundations. Hannaford became the fi rst chain to have all of its stores certifi ed, followed by Weis Supermarkets, which is based in Sunbury, Pa., and has 200 supermarkets, and Giant Eagle, which is based in Pittsburgh and has 232 supermarkets and 195 convenience stores. Locally, three independent stores in addition to Bow Street have been certifi ed: Rising Tide Community Market in Damariscotta, Royal River Natural Foods in Freeport and Lois' Natural Marketplace in Scarborough. Whole Foods in Portland also is certifi ed. Grocers aiming to get Manomet Grocery Stewardship Certifi cation typically pay $1,500 per store. ere are some grants to cover the cost. Bow Street's entire fee was covered by Jane's Trust in Boston, which has supported up to 20 independent grocers in Maine and New Hampshire. Cooke works from a checklist of questions typically fi lled in by the store manager before his arrival. ey include how many pull-down shades are in open store refrigerated cases, how much ice is used for product displays and which departments divert food waste or donate food to food banks and other organizations. ere also is a workbook with 400 to 500 points for other things, like whether the refrigerant used to cool the store and its various cases is non-ozone depleting like Bow Street's use of 40AA and whether there is a refrigeration heat recovery system for hot water to wash dishes and other items in the store. e certifi cation lasts for three years. e store will then need to recertify, going through the review process again, but needing to up its point total to 130, showing improved sustainability measures, Cooke says. For all that work, Frey says Bow will get a sticker for its front door and post its certifi cation on Facebook. And that, he says, will help educate consumers about the store's commitment to sustainability. L V, Mainebiz senior writer / content specialist, can be reached at @ . and @LV » C O N T I N U E D F RO M P R E V I O U S PA G E WE'VE GOT MAINE* COVERED ALL DAY AND EVERY DAY *with nightly and weekend routes to New Hampshire and Massachusetts with nightly and weekend routes to New Hampshire and Massachusetts WE WANT TO BE YOUR COURIER! CALL 800-427-7547 For sales and information CALL 848-7546 For service and dispatch FIRST TIME CUSTOMER? Mention this ad for 50% off of your first pick-up and delivery order. Not only do you get the convenience of valet parking at the airport for $12 a day, but we'll take care of your car needs, too. WWW.PARKNJETPORTLAND.COM 747-5650 Drive 100 yards past baggage claim. Look for our green sign. Open 4:00AM to 1AM or until all flights have arrived. per day $12 PARK PERKS OIL CHANGE • CAR WASH • DETAILING WITH How would your business fare? M anomet Inc., nonprofit that does sustainability services, has a Grocery Stewardship Certification that grades supermarkets on their energy usage. Here are some sample questions: ¡ How many pull-down night shades are in the store? ¡ How many refrigerated/frozen case doors have LED lighting? ¡ How much ice is used for product displays? ¡ How many walk-in coolers and freezers have door alarms that are triggered in store when left open? ¡ Which departments donate food to food banks or other organizations? ¡ Which departments divert food waste? ¡ What type(s) of refrigerant gas are used? ¡ Is there a refrigeration heat recovery system to heat water? S O U R C E : Manomet Inc. Peter Cooke, program manager of sustainable economies at Manomet Inc., and Jim Frey, general manager at Bow Street Market. P H O T O / L O R I VA L I G R A Every $1 in energy efficiency Every $1 in energy efficiency Every $1 in energy efficiency Every $1 in energy efficiency Every $1 in energy efficiency Every $1 in energy efficiency Every $1 in energy efficiency Every $1 in energy efficiency Every $1 in energy efficiency Every $1 in energy efficiency Every $1 in energy efficiency Every $1 in energy efficiency Every $1 in energy efficiency Every $1 in energy efficiency is like putting $18 into the is like putting $18 into the is like putting $18 into the is like putting $18 into the is like putting $18 into the is like putting $18 into the is like putting $18 into the is like putting $18 into the is like putting $18 into the is like putting $18 into the is like putting $18 into the is like putting $18 into the is like putting $18 into the is like putting $18 into the revenue stream. — Peter Cooke Program manager of sustainable economies at Manomet, Brunswick

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