
Healthy Business 2017

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W W W. M A I N E B I Z . B I Z 15 H E A LT H Y B U S I N E S S guidance, Rabinowitz says that's not as helpful as it may seem. For instance, Colorado doesn't have a drug testing policy, instead allowing employers to work with their attorneys to develop drug test- ing policies appropriate for their business that still adhere to rules regarding health policy, disability and other federal provisions. "Maine, in contrast to Colorado, has complicated drug testing laws riddled with loopholes, restrictions, thresholds and requirements," she told the committee. On top of it, there is no test that determines actual marijuana impairment — tests only show use. Tim Doyle, vice president at the Maine Motor Transport Association, says alcohol impairment is comparatively easy to measure. " ere's no standard for marijuana impairment," he says. Most employers who drug test are sticking with the policies they have in place as they wait to see what guidelines the Legislature comes up with, says Marks, whose organization represents about private con- tractors in the state. While much employment policy tends to be black and white, "this is a gray area" that con• icts with many employers' policies. He says employers are hoping for clear guidelines on what compliance will look like for both employers and workers. C O N T I N U E D O N F O L L OW I N G PA G E » 45,000 employers in Maine 541 have state-approved drug-testing policies 200 do random testing 1 1 Restricted to businesses with 50+ employees S O U R C E : Maine Department of Labor DRUG TESTING IN MAINE WORKPLACES +90% percent of all positive drug test in Maine which include marijuana in the results Marijuana can stay in the blood stream for more than a month, depending on use and the user's metabolism. A positive test does not mean the person is impaired. No reliable test can equate a level of THC with impairment. Two people with the same detectable level of THC may exhibit different levels of impairment or none at all.

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