
Healthy Business 2017

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W W W. M A I N E B I Z . B I Z 13 H E A LT H Y B U S I N E S S S uccessful businesses in Maine and around the country are seeking out bright young minds who can bring innovative ideas and ll the labor void left by retiring baby boomers. In , Pew Research Center reported that millennials surpassed the so-called Generation X as the largest sector of the U.S. labor force. As many millennials • ock to hot spots like New York City and Silicon Valley, businesses in Maine cities and towns need to explore strate- gies to draw and keep young talent. Collaboration between government and businesses are key to providing the employment options and cultural amenities that millennials seek. For businesses, focus areas include adopting advanced communications and technology into operations and employment practices that t millen- nials' lifestyle goals. For communities, it often means bolstering public ser- vices like transportation and expand- ing broadband access to support the high-bandwidth needs of millennials. Millennial expectations ere is no dearth of data on millen- nials and what they value in the work- place. Businesses positioned in Maine cities and towns should leverage this information, and address the key fac- tors that millennials consider when evaluating employers. A Deloitte survey of millen- nials claimed that two-thirds plan to leave their current job in the next ve years. If employers hope to retain their millennial talent, these companies need to ensure they are providing key opportunities and advantages. Companies must o er opportunities for career progression and advancement. According to a PwC survey of millen- nials, a majority of millennials identify this opportunity as a primary factor that makes an employer attractive. Another, perhaps more surprising, nding in the PwC data was less than one-third of millennials expect to work regular o ce hours. Most anticipate they will have some kind of • exibility, whether that is based on working hours, or their ability to work from home. Businesses must ensure they have technology solutions that allow employees to share information when working from home or other remote locations. Many companies are adopt- ing advanced data networking and Internet-powered voice communica- tions to empower remote and work- from-home workforces. The role of community Community is also important to mil- lennials. ey seek out certain municipal amenities in their residential com- munities, such as cultural institutions, good public transportation, on-demand municipal services, open government communication with constituents, and widespread digital broadband access. An example of how businesses can bene t from community col- laboration ties into one of the earlier ndings about millennials' interest in • exible schedules. In order to ensure that 'work from home' policies will be successful, businesses must have con dence that there is widespread broadband access in their community. When local governments and local broadband providers join forces, communities can make their small city a prime destination for millenni- als. Good ways to start this partner- ship process is to work together to gather information about broadband, inventory the network infrastructure and services in the municipality, and consider broadband options as part of the community planning process. Technology and cultural develop- ments will loom large in driving mil- lennial interest in living and working throughout Maine communities. If Maine businesses are able to deliver a • exible technology-enabled work experience, with comparative oppor- tunities for growth and development, they will be much more competitive in the employment market. If orga- nizations are able to work with their municipal government o cials to ensure that digital access extends past the front door of the business with high-bandwidth connections available throughout the area, Maine com- munities will have a greater chance of attracting, and sustaining, their mil- lennial population. S D is the senior director of go ve r nment r elations and wholesale strategy at FairPoint Communications. She can be reached at @ . Visit to find an independent Maine agent near you. Patrons Oxford Insurance Company For all the things you value. At Patrons Oxford, we set ourselves apart by offering superior customer service, compe ve pricing for our products, and strive to responsibly grow our business, our people, and our impact. Since the very beginning we've had you covered, but along with me comes change and the need to adapt and grow responsibly. The values we held in the past are s ll as strong today. We are as commi ed to our patrons now as we were yesterday, and as we will be tomorrow. N e w lo o k, sa m e g r e at co m pa N y. #GoRedMaine / @AHAMaine Stroke in the Workplace What You Need to Know " I was fortunate that, not only did my co-worker recognize the signs of stroke and got me help right away, but when I returned to work after my stroke, my employer was patient with my recovery and gave me time to heal and adjust to life post-stroke." Amy Olfene Attorney, Drummond Woodsum Stroke Survivor Adapt your company to the demands of a millennial workforce B Y S A R A H D A V I S H OW TO

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