
March 20, 2017

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W W W. M A I N E B I Z . B I Z 27 M A R C H 2 0 , 2 0 1 7 investment from all sources, including private developers, over the next fi ve years. And he's currently raising more money for on-campus projects like the athletic center. Learning from each conversation Alumni, businesspeople, local government and founda- tions all have supported his master plan for Waterville. But that's not always the case when the Ivy Tower descends into the local neighborhood, sometimes caus- ing fear or resentment. ose who know Greene say he succeeds because he is humble, listens, isn't afraid to hear diff ering opinions and learns from interactions. "He talks to everyone," says Robert Zimmer, presi- dent of the University of Chicago, who worked with Greene there and at Brown. "If you talk to people and listen to them, there's a tremendous amount to learn from each conversation. He quickly gets attuned to the culture of the university and the ways people need to interact within that culture. He's a person of genuinely unusual skills, ambition and work ethic." Leslie Biddle, a partner at Serengeti Asset Management in New York City who also is vice chair of Colby's board and a member of the selec- tion committee, agrees. "He is a real visionary," she says. "He sees things from diff erent angles and he can communicate his vision in a meaningful way for how diff erent shareholders would see it." She says he has the family genes for being a col- lege president. His father Richard was president of St. omas University in Miami and Goddard College in Vermont. His brother Tom is president of the Vermont College of Fine Arts in Montpelier. Greene's other siblings include a lawyer and inter- national banker. His parents met at college and have seven children. Greene and his wife Carolyn have three children, one of whom attends Colby. "My parents were part of the Depression era," says Greene. "Our mantra was, 'Education is the one thing they can't take away from you.' My parents showed me that education is the way to a new life." Greene holds a bachelor's degree in history from Hamilton College and three graduate degrees from Harvard University. Ironically, it was only after he became president of Colby that Greene discovered his mother, Dolores, had wanted to apply to Colby in the 1950s, but told him she had no fi nancial resources to do so. "One of the fi rst things I did at Colby was to add $5 million to the fi nancial aid budget, which helped 500 students. It made a big diff erence. In Maine that kind of commitment is big," he says. He didn't want students to look at Colby like it was aspirational, but not available. Now, 12% of Colby's 2,000 enrolled students are from Maine. His first year [Greene] increased applicants 60% and the second year there were more than 10,000. — Robert Diamond Former chair of the Colby board of trustees CONSULTING | AUDIT | TAX | VALUATION Our team of CPAs and consultants can help you gain control of risks, costs, and governance. We provide audit, tax, information technology, and management consulting advice that gives you traction in a changing environment. Know where you stand, with advisors who dig deep. Learn more at or call 800.432.7202. GAIN FIRM FOOTING Learn more. Visit us at or call 800.432.7202. C O N T I N U E D O N F O L L OW I N G PA G E »

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