
March 20, 2017

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V O L . X X I I I N O. V I M A R C H 2 0 , 2 0 1 7 42 U S I N E S S M A I N E I N S H O R T N E W S WO R T H Y P E O P L E A N D P E R F O R M A N C E S human resources manager and Amy Bergeron as human resources recruiter. Hurricane Island Outward Bound School, an adventure-based educational organiza- tion in Camden, hired Kathleen Gilbert as marketing director. Gilbert previously founded KMG Marketing Services. Harriman, a design and engineering fi rm in Portland, hired Kartik Shah as a senior urban designer in its Boston location. Kartik has 15 years of experi- ence in managing and leading urban design and planning projects. Habitat for Humanity of Greater Portland hired Caroline Grimm as director of fi nance. Grimm is the owner of Lake Region Accounting Solutions in Bridgton. James D. Julia, an antique auction house in Fairfi eld, hired Scott Wentzell as director of marketing. Wentzell was most recently marketing direc- tor with os. Moser Handmade American Furniture in Auburn. Androscoggin Bank in Lewiston hired Jim Kacer as a senior vice president and CFO. Kacer was previously CFO at Count and Crush LLC (dba CLYNK) in South Portland. Sea Bags, a designer and manufacturer of handmade items made from recycled sails in Portland, hired Bill McGonagle as CFO, Mike Davis as operations manager and Tara Knupp as product line manager. Bridgton Hospital and Rumford Hospital hired Robert Slattery to lead the hospi- tal's operations and business develop- ment eff orts. Slattery, who has over two decades of experience with national and regional payers as well as leading patient-centered integrated delivery systems, previously led Integrated Solutions Health Network. Maine Development Foundation in Augusta hired Jan Kearce as vice president for pro- gram impact. Kearce was most recently executive director of Lift360. [ P R O M O T I O N S ] First National Bank in Damariscotta pro- moted Sherry Smith to loan operations manager. Smith was previously mortgage loan offi cer. PA N E L I S T S Dawn Harmon Director and Shareholder at Perkins Thompson Anne-Marie L. Storey Partner at Rudman Winchell Barbara Babkirk Master Career Counselor and principal at Heart At Work Associates Joan M. Fortin Shareholder & Director of Attorney Recruiting at Bernstein Shur The gender wage gap — why is this still a thing? F O R U M T O P I C SP ONSORED BY Family Wealth Management Partners UBS Financial Services Inc. FOLLOW US @MBEVENTS #MBWLF17 USM Abromson Center, 88 Bedford Street, Portland April 6 | 7:30–10:30am S AV E T H E DAT E Register at: Announcing NEW guest speakers: Jean Hoffman Former President and CEO of Putney, Inc. Christina McAnuff Executive Director from Olympia Snowe Women's Leadership Institute Karen Dobbyn HR Consultant at KMA HR Consulting BUY TICKETS: 207.774.0465 25A Forest Ave, Portland, ME Jamie Hogan By Brenda Withers April 4 -23 Looking for exciting business events? Go to to view and post events. @ Sherry Smith

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