
March 20, 2017

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P H O T O S / T I M G R E E N WAY P H O T O I L L U S T R AT I O N / M AT T S E LVA We're fortunate in Maine to have business leaders that show a combination of vision, grit and socially responsible management. Yet Mainebiz is proud to present four business leaders we think demonstrate those traits at an exceptionally high level. From a business with $1 billion in sales and 2,700 employees to one with $6 million in sales and 35 employ- ees, to a college that is bridging the town-to-gown divide, these leaders aren't afraid to take risks. And they're delivering. We think you'll agree these leaders are mak- ing our state stronger and better. C L O C K W I S E F RO M T O P : Melissa Smith, president and CEO of WEX Inc.; David A. Greene, president of Colby College; Carmen and Bob Garver, founders and owners of Wicked Joe and Bard Coffee P R O F I L E S S T A R T O N PA G E 1 5 ยป 2017 MAINEBI Z BUSINES S L E ADERS OF T HE Y E AR SP ONSORED BY: $2.00 March 20, 2017 VO L . X X I I I N O. V I

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