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For more B2B news visit MARCH 13, 2017 Volume 25, Number 12 $3.00 Subscribe online Don't miss being a part of biggest sales lead generation day of the year on June 8th 2017 Introducing the ALL NEW G R E AT E R H A R T F O R D ' S B U S I N E S S N E W S w w w. H a r t f o rd B u s i n e s s . c o m Index ■ Executive Profile: PG. 5 ■ Week in Review: PG. 6 ■ The Lists: PGS. 9, 10, 11 ■ Deal Watch: PG. 16 ■ Reporter's Notebook: PG. 17 ■ Movers & Shakers: PG. 18 ■ Opinion & Commentary: PG. 20 FOCUS: CONSTRUCTION Rebuilding XL Center Find out what fans and taxpayers will get for their investment if state lawmakers approve a $250 million XL Center renovation. PG. 8 Playing the Long Game Prudential Retirement President Christine Marcks learned about the need to save financially working in her father's pharmacy as a 13-year-old making $1.60 an hour. Find out how that lesson still drives her career. PG. 3 BUILDING F O R 'BOOMERS' CT's aging population creates higher demand for assisted-living facilities By Gregory Seay A wave of independent, assisted-living, and memory-care facilities develop- ment and expansion is sweeping Con- necticut just as the oldest of this state's Baby Boomers near the age where helping hands are a lifestyle necessity. In Greater Hartford alone, operators of a half dozen such facilities are building, or have completed in recent years, more than $120 million in ground-up construction and expansions of individual living units, com- mon areas and amenities to cater to adults in their golden years. Among them is Bloomfield's Seabury At Home, which is into the latest phase of its approximately $100 million expansion for the 25-year-old community at 200 Seabury Drive that has a resident waiting list. 'First Fiver' CareCentrix carves out $1B homecare niche By Matt Pilon H elping health insurers man- age home-health benefits and control costs has been good business for Hartford-based CareCentrix. The company, which over- sees networks of homecare ser- vice and equipment providers on behalf of insurers like Cigna, crossed the $1 billion revenue mark for the first time in 2015, and grew to a record $1.4 billion last year, CEO John Driscoll said in a recent interview at the company's Stilts Building headquarters. That puts CareCentrix, which is profitable but won't disclose exact Continued on page 12 Continued on page 14 Hired in 2013, CareCentrix CEO John Driscoll has overseen several years of steady reve- nue growth at the Hartford-based homecare benefits manager. P H O T O | S T E V E L A S C H E V E R H B J P H O T O | M A T T P I L O N Christine Dupont, Seabury At Home's marketing/ communications director, outside the Bloomfield assisted-living/memory-care facility's latest expansion.