
March 6, 2017

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V O L . X X I I I N O. V M A R C H 6 , 2 0 1 7 8 B U S I N E S S M A I N E B U S I N E S S M A I N E B U S I N E S S N E W S F RO M A RO U N D T H E S TAT E The Edward H. Daveis Benevolent Fund of the Maine Community Foundation awarded grants to nonprofi t pro- grams in Greater Portland that sup- port children aged birth to eight and youth leadership for students through high school. Recipients included YMCA of Southern Maine, $10,000; Multilingual and Multicultural Center of Portland Public Schools, $8,000; and Maine Boys to Men, $3,500. Oakhurst, a dairy in Portland, donated $22,446 to The Salvation Army from its 17th annual Egg Nog fundraiser. Orangetheory Fitness recently opened at 195 Kennebeck St. in Portland. DeStefano & Associates Inc., an archi- tecture fi rm in Portsmouth, N.H., com- pleted the tenant fi t-up of the facility. Maine Credit Union League an- nounced its Maine Credit Unions' Campaign for Ending Hunger es- tablished a fundraising record of $674,193 in 2016. Hospice of Southern Maine in Scarborough unveiled a newly renovat- ed and expanded kitchen at Gosnell Memorial Hospice House. The reno- vation was designed to improve the experience for patients, families and visitors and increase effi ciencies in food preparation. Colby garners another signifi cant gift A Portland real estate executive and his wife have donated $10 million to Colby College. Joe Boulos, a 1968 Colby graduate and real estate devel- oper, made this gift with his wife, Sheri Boulos, the Kennebec Journal reported. In early February, Peter and Paula Lunder made a gift worth $100 million to the Colby College Museum of Art. e gift from the Boulos family will go toward Colby's new athletic complex, which will open in 2020 and be known as the Boulos Family Fitness Center. Raised in Portland and South Portland, Boulos was a marine pilot in Vietnam before founding CBRE | Boulos Brokerage, Asset Management and Boulos Development in 1975. He now oversees the strategic direction of the management company. Over his career, Q: Some companies offer outplacement to their departing employees. If you plan a layoff because of fi nances, how can you justify spending the money on outplacement services? ACE advises: If your company hopes to stay in business, there are several reasons for considering outplacement as an investment. 1. You have employees you intend to retain and want them to adjust to the new and reduced work environment as quickly and smoothly as possible. They will notice how their employer treats those who must leave and respond accordingly. The outplacement program speaks to how they may be treated in the future. 2. There are generally feelings of some guilt on the part of the "survivors," both the employer and the employees. Knowing that their departing colleagues have been treated with respect helps everyone during the transition. 3. Layoffs are particularly hard on managers. If they understand the outplace- ment program and know they are offering their employees some help, it can reduce the anxiety inherent in a layoff. 4. Departing employees can be particularly vulnerable to the temptation to do some harm to themselves, to others, or to the company. At the very least, employees who have just been notifi ed can be in shock and not ready to drive home safely. Trained outplacement professionals can head off problems before they happen. A S K AC E A n s w e r e d b y W i l l i a m S t o n e , E d . D . , N C C C , o f P r o m i s i n g F u t u r e s The Association for Consulting Expertise (ACE) is a non-profit association of independent consultants who value "Success through Collaboration." The public is welcome to attend its regular meetings to share best practices and engage with industry experts. For more information go to If you have a question for an ACE expert, contact Jim Milliken at FOLLOW US @MBEVENTS #OTRPortland17 PR ES ENTI NG S PONS OR R EGI ONAL S PONS OR S Join us at our first stop in the 2017 On the Road with Mainebiz event series at the Ocean Gateway in Portland. Don't miss the largest networking reception of the year! 207.761.8379 x341 R E G I S T E R T O DAY AT TENDANCE IS FREE BUT SPACE IS LIMITED! Please be sure to register ahead. PORTLAND March 16 | 5–7pm | Ocean Gateway C E N T R A L & W E S T E R N

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