
March 6, 2017

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W W W. M A I N E B I Z . B I Z 17 M A R C H 6 , 2 0 1 7 F O C U S W E S T E R N M A I N E rural tourism in Maine are over half a billion dollars." ose are direct-value numbers. e impact trends steeply upward, he says, when considering indirect value such as home purchases and property taxes paid by seasonal residents who ski. " at's a good number," he contin- ues. "Summer crushes us, obviously: e Maine coast is one of the most unique parts of the world. But Maine in the winter, in the inland regions — those jobs are valuable." Ski visits have remained in the same range for many years, says Sweetser. In 2015, Maine saw 1.3 million visits, then 1.2 million in 2016. "I feel pretty optimistic this year that we'll break 1.3 million," he says. " e sense out there is that this year is average. It's not knocking off every- body's socks yet. But the blizzard [in early February] was the best advertis- ing you can have. Everyone knows we have snow." " e weather is certainly the biggest factor in the business," says Congratulations AVCOG on your Sustainable Brownfields Program Contact Nick Sabatine Contact Nick Sabatine at the idea-stage: at the idea-stage: 207-772-2891 D E V E L O P M E N T D E V E L O P M E N T \ \ D U E D I L I G E N C E D U E D I L I G E N C E \ \ E N V I R O N M E N TA L H E A LT H & S A F E T Y E N V I R O N M E N TA L H E A LT H & S A F E T Y E N V I R O N M E N TA L H E A LT H & S A F E T Y \ \ M U N I C I P A L \ \ U T I L I T Y, E N E R G Y & M A N U F A C T U R I N G Due Diligence Due Diligence Wastewater Engineering Wastewater Engineering Storm Water Engineering Storm Water Engineering Permitting Permitting Water Supply Engineering Water Supply Engineering GIS Applications GIS Applications Turnkey Brownfield Service Turnkey Brownfield Service Turnkey Brownfield Service Remediation Remediation Funding Assistance Funding Assistance Consulting Engineers and Scientists P R O P O S E D B E ST W E STE R N H OTE L S ITE, R U M F O R D 207.761.8379 x341 R E G I S T E R T O DAY FOLLOW US @MBEVENTS #OTRNorway17 PR ES ENTI NG S PONS OR Let Mainebiz help you build your professional network! Join us as we make our second stop at the On the Road event series in Norway. This free event is a great forum to put a face with a name as well as make new business connections. Free admission Cash bar Complimentary hors d'oeuvres AT TENDANCE IS FREE BUT SPACE IS LIMITED! Please be sure to register ahead. NORWAY April 13 | 5–7pm | Cafe Nomad, Norway R EGI ONAL S PONS OR C O N T I N U E D O N F O L L OW I N G PA G E » S O U R C E : Ski Maine Ski facts This year, the Maine Offi ce of Tourism, with Ski Maine and the Maine Snowmobile Association, started a weekly snow report, similar to Maine's foliage report. ME 1.2M NH 2.5M VT 4.5M CO 12M 2016 ski visitors Ski customers in Maine Over 60% are Mainers. Most nonresident skiers are from greater Boston.

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