
February 6, 2017

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V O L . X X I I I N O. I I I F E B R UA R Y 6 , 2 0 1 7 28 T here's a lot of talk about courage and compassion in leadership today. at's terrific, these are two essential qualities for effective leaders. I'd add wisdom, too. Let's define these terms. Courage is not the absence of fear. e absence of fear is stupidity. Effective leaders willingly and know- ingly face their fears and help others do the same. at's courage. Compassion is a true sense of empa- thy — a sincere and ongoing effort to understand the other person's per- spective. is is the differentiating quality between a leader and a tyrant. e genuine leader places the needs of others first. Wisdom is knowledge and experience –– tempered by awareness. e aware- ness part is crucial. Effective leaders spend a lot of time looking in the mirror. Not to preen, but to continu- ally identify areas for improvement. ese ideas make for great motiva- tional posters and give speakers a lot to talk about, but the true power of any useful philosophy is in the application. These eight strategies will help: 1. Never limit yourself to one leadership style Even in small organizations, today's leader serves a diverse group of con- stituents. You have to be responsive to different cultural norms, generational and gender differences and a wide range of ambitions, needs and desires. ere just isn't one leadership style or theory that applies to all people in all situations. Study, learn and train to be articulate in a number of styles. 2. Be tough — yet compassionate People want leaders who care about them. ey respond better when they know the leader has their backs. e problem is that compassion can be con- fused with weakness. Don't make that mistake. Compassion also means being able to make tough decisions for the good of the group and the individual. 3. Commit yourself to personal and professional mastery Perfection is not a destination. It's a never-ending process. If you expect others to improve continually, you'd better do the same. ere is nothing more inspiring than a leader who is willing to grow and improve as a per- son, and as a leader. 4. Be confident, be humble and lead by example People follow examples much more enthusiastically than they do orders. Model the behavior you expect in the people you serve. 5. Be flexible, adaptable and comfortable with uncertainty One of the characteristics of courage is the ability to face uncertain condi- tions and circumstances. Be prepared for every possibility and contingency, but also be receptive to the rapid flow of new information and chang- ing conditions. See uncertainty as an opportunity to test and hone your skills, talents and abilities. 6. Be a skilled communicator One of the most difficult challenges in leadership today has one of the sim- plest solutions. Communicate with sincerity, honesty and transparency. 7. Be a dedicated teacher, coach and mentor Effective leaders are good teach- ers. ere is no greater expression of compassion than developing the full potential of others. In leadership, this is no luxury –– it's essential to the health of the organization. Know when to encourage and when to correct. Bring out the best in others and confidently train them to surpass you in talent, skill and ability. 8. Lead by sharing — not accumulating I can sum up everything I know about leadership in just a few words: Leadership is sharing. A leader shares. An effective leader shares power, authority, respect and wisdom. If you want to be a better leader, focus first on being a better person. J i m B o u c h a r d i s a Maine-based speake r, media personality and author of " The S e n s e i L e a d e r " a n d " T h i n k Like a Black Belt." The American Heart Association is proud to congratulate the 2017 Crystal Heart Honorees! S P O N S O R S : #GoRedMaine / / Andrea Cianchette Maker Partner, Pierce Atwood Dr. David Howes President & CEO, Martin's Point Health Care While heart disease and stroke cause 1 in 3 deaths among women each year, we can change that because 80% of cardiac events may be prevented with education and lifestyle changes. Go Red encourages both women and men to take action and change the odds! Melissa Smith President & CEO, WEX 2017 Go Red Luncheon Chair United, we can improve the heart health of all Mainers. @AHAMaine Lead with courage, compassion and wisdom B Y J I M B O U C H A R D H OW TO

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