
January 23, 2017

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W W W. M A I N E B I Z . B I Z 17 JA N UA R Y 2 3 , 2 0 1 7 F O C U S A U G U S TA / WAT E R V I L L E Ureneck talks energetically about the beautiful ceramic fl oor and giant bank vault on 173's fi rst fl oor that he'd like to restore, and about the arched windows revealed on the top fl oor after three levels of ceilings were gutted. Collaborative Consulting, a Massachusetts IT company now owned by CGI, will occupy the upper fl oors and has promised to bring 200 or more highly skilled jobs to the city. "We have 16 feet of clearance on the top fl oor," says Ureneck. " ere's also an existing elevator, one of the oldest in the state, that is three-feet square. We're still toying with what to do with that space, because we can't use it as an elevator. We might use it as a light shaft." PC Construction and CWS Architects, both from the Portland area, will handle the rehab of 173 Main. But his vision must extend beyond one building, throughout a four-block stretch of town in which he doesn't want to create cookie-cutter buildings. Each building should be unique, he says, to refl ect partnerships with the city and others. " ere's no general theme," he says. "It's been a tremendous help to us to have a defi ned downtown area," Ureneck says, adding that he and other plan- ners have to fi gure out "how you anchor bookends of a town." e former Levine's and Waterville Savings buildings are on opposite ends of Main Street's core. ere are no immediate plans for buildings Colby owns from 14-20 Main St., but Elm City plans to put out a request for proposals to cull ideas from developers, Ureneck says. e downtown project is being funded in large part by a $10 million Alfond Foundation grant along with an equal match from Colby. Opening doors Meantime, people like Bill Mitchell, owner of GHM Insurance Agency and nephew of U.S. Sen. George Mitchell (whose father worked as a janitor at Colby), have been buying up property around town. ere was a history of development in his fam- ily, as his father, Paul, had headed the Waterville Urban Renewal Authority in the mid 1960s and 1970s. "When Colby's involvement began to develop, it became clear to me there was a real opportunity to get involved. I've bought 10 diff erent properties with a total of 85,000 square feet of com- mercial space. About half of that is downtown," Mitchell says, adding that he was buying buildings even before Colby began its expansion downtown. "We're so grateful that FAME approved the loan insurance for our line of credit. LooHoo continues to grow each year, and we are now able to plan ahead with inventory and manufactuing needs to support increased demands. With FAME's support, LooHoo is positioned for continued growth and success." Cyndi Prince Founder and CEO, LooHoo LLC Helping Maine Businesses Succeed since 1983 Best Places to Work in Maine 2015, 2016 1-800-228-3734 • Now, what was it you wanted to sell me? who you are, your company, your company's record, your company's product, your company's reputation, your company's customers, or what your company stands for. I don't know… Sales start before before before before before before before before your salesperson calls. your salesperson calls. Now, what was it you or what your company stands for. your salesperson calls. Sales start before your salesperson calls. Contact Publisher Donna Brassard at 207.761.8379 x327 or Warm up your cold calls with local B2B media advertising. C O N T I N U E D O N F O L L OW I N G PA G E »

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