
January 9, 2017

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W W W. M A I N E B I Z . B I Z 25 JA N UA R Y 9 , 2 0 1 7 I n 2004, Scott Tompkins wrote a Mainebiz column about the need to rehab the public's perception of construction work. In a survey of job desirability that had been recently published, construction had ranked 247 out of 250, just above oil-rig roustabouts. "I don't know what kind of progress we've made since then," says Tompkins, director of business devel- opment for PC Construction Co. in Portland. "People have a very antiquated view of construction." While some trades require strength and work in all kinds of weather, "often you're sitting in a climate- controlled cab with a joystick like you would use in a computer game, with GPS equipment. ose jobs can pay $20 to $30 an hour or more." He is among many who says that giving that image a makeover is still necessary in order to take advantage of the hot climate for new construction. From Bar Harbor to Kennebunk, contractors say that new projects are bigger and more bountiful than they have been since the 2008 downturn. With relatively low interest rates, companies and institutions that are thriving — like e Jackson Lab, Colby College, ImmuCell Corp. and Tyler Technologies — have major expansions in the works. Maine's hospitals and senior living facilities are rapidly growing to serve the aging population. A slew of new housing projects are under construction in Portland. Municipalities are being forced to replace aging schools, prisons, roads and utilities that are often in dire need of repair. Construction leaders worry about the impact of perennial labor shortages. "I'm concerned that if this momentum contin- ues and work continues to be there that [the labor shortage] will impact our ability to meet our clients' needs and schedules," says Mark Adams, president and CEO of South Portland-based Sebago Technics, which does survey and site work. "We've had one of our most productive years ever. Employees put in hard work meeting client needs with many extra hours. But there's a potential cost to that. You can only expect that for so long before people become overwhelmed and less productive." Kevin French, co-founder of Scarborough-based Landry/French Construction Co., says the company has had to be much more selective about the proj- ects that it goes after. " ere's only so many people you have out there," he says. Fewer young people to fi ll job openings All industries in Maine — from fast food to fi nancial services — are scrambling to fi nd workers. e short- age of qualifi ed workers in the construction industry is particularly acute. Many skilled tradesmen who were laid off during the last recession went into other industries or left the state. Part of the issue is the aging of Maine's work- force and its dearth of young people. Maine's median age, 44.5, is the highest in the nation. And the number of students enrolled in Maine's schools has been on the decline for decades. Roughly 181,000 students attended public and private schools last year, accord- ing to Maine's Department of Education. at's down from 214,000 in 1995, and 250,000 in 1970. Matthew Tonello, project executive and Portland-based director of Maine operations for Consigli Construction Co. Inc., says the areas that are hardest to staff are those that require large quan- tities of skilled craft workers at the same time. at includes millwork and framing jobs. Many carpen- ters are balancing commercial work with residen- tial construction, stretching the workforce, Tonello adds. " ere is a lot of wood framing happening in Portland," he adds. Going to new lengths to attract workers It's not just skilled laborers that are in demand. Construction fi rms are also having to be creative to attract and retain the managers and offi ce workers they need to support their growth. Landry/French increased its management staff by 30% in 2016. P H O T O / T I M G R E E N WAY Builders grapple with labor shortage Construction business is booming, but where are the workers? B y J e n n i f e r V a n A l l e n F O C U S C O N T I N U E D O N F O L L OW I N G PA G E » Mark Adams, president and CEO of Sebago Technics, at the construction site of the future home of Patriot Insurance in Yarmouth.

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