Hartford Business Journal Special Editions

Giving Guide — November 22, 2016

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www.HartfordBusiness.com November 22, 2016 • Hartford Business Journal 3 G I V I N G G U I D E 2016 From Our Sponsors 4 Professional Advisors: Reid and Riege 7 NONPROFIT PROFILES Alzheimer's Association Connecticut Chapter 9 American Red Cross Connecticut 11 Capital Community College Foundation, Inc. 13 CHR 15 Connecticut Foundation for Dental Outreach, Inc. 17 Greater Hartford Arts Council 19 Hartford Foundation for Public Giving 21 Hartford's Camp Courant 23 Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation 25 InterCommunity, Inc. 27 Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Hartford 29 Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford 31 Jordan Porco Foundation 33 Junior Achievement of Southwest New England, Inc. 35 Manchester Community College Foundation, Inc. 37 Reach Out and Read Connecticut 39 TANGO (The Alliance for Non-profit Growth & Opportunity, Inc.) 41 Travelers Championship (Greater Hartford Community Foundation, Inc.) 43 United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut 45 The WALKS Foundation, Inc. 47 Wheeler Clinic 49 World Affairs Council of Connecticut 51 Nonprofits Directory by Town 54 Table of Contents ALL TOGETHER. NOW AND ALWAYS. W elcome to the Hartford Business Journal's Giving Guide for 2016. All of us at HBJ who have worked on the Giving Guide do so in the singular hope that you, as a reader and member of our community, find it truly useful. Community is at the heart of the Giving Guide, and the publication is very near the hearts of many of us at the Hartford Business Journal. It is intended, as the name states, as a guide. It's a guide to the many nonprofit and charitable organizations that work so tirelessly throughout the year to provide for, and to serve, our community with compassion, and with pragmatism. The essence of community is the notion that we are all on the same journey, and that what is good for any of us is good for all of us. We are all aware, and have been for some time, that community matters more deeply to more of us than ever before. Companies realize they must give back to the communities that support them, and they want to, because engagement in the community, and a sense of higher mission and purpose, is a strong motivator for our teams. While this is all good news, many community challenges still exist, and the job is never finished. However we choose to deploy our dollars and our time, giving is good business. We hope that as you consider your giving program, and the causes that you and your staffs might want to support, that this year's Giving Guide will inform your decisions, and give you needed insight into the mission and operations of some of the preeminent nonprofit and community organizations in our region. On behalf of all of us at the Hartford Business Journal, and our sponsors and partners who have helped create this year's Giving Guide, as well as the many fine organizations featured in these pages, thank you, and happy holidays. Joe Zwiebel President and Publisher Hartford Business Journal From the Publisher Hartford Business Journal (ISSN 1083-5245) is published weekly, 53 x per year — including two special issues in November and December — by New England Business Media LLC, 15 Lewis Street, Suite 200, Hartford CT 06103. Periodicals postage paid at Hartford, CT. Tel: (860) 236-9998 • Fax (860) 570-2493 Copyright 2016. All rights reserved. Postmaster: Please send address changes to: Hartford Business Journal P.O. Box 330, Congers, NY 10920-9894 www.copyright.com www.HartfordBusiness.com (860) 236-9998 E D I T O R I A L Greg Bordonaro Editor, ext. 139 gbordonaro@HartfordBusiness.com Gregory Seay News Editor, ext. 144 gseay@HartfordBusiness.com Matt Pilon News Editor, ext. 143 mpilon@HartfordBusiness.com John Stearns Staff Writer, ext. 145 jstearns@HartfordBusiness.com Patricia Daddona Web Editor, ext. 127 pdaddona@HartfordBusiness.com Stephanie Meagher Research Director Heide Martin Research Assistant B U S I N E S S Joe Zwiebel President and Publisher, ext. 132 jzwiebel@HartfordBusiness.com Donna Collins Associate Publisher, ext. 121 dcollins@HartfordBusiness.com Jessica Baker Giving Guide Profile Coordinator Amy Orsini Events Manager, ext. 134 aorsini@HartfordBusiness.com Kaleigh Hickey Events Coordinator, ext. 137 khickey@hartfordbusiness.com Christian J. Renstrom Advertising Director, ext. 126, crenstrom@HartfordBusiness.com David Hartley Sr. Accounts Manager, ext. 130 dhartley@HartfordBusiness.com John Vuillemot Sr. Accounts Manager, ext. 133 jvuillemot@hartfordbusiness.com Marisa Wright Sr. Accounts Manager, ext. 124 mwright@hartfordbusiness.com Raki Zwiebel Credit and Collections Manager Valerie Clark Accounting Assistant/ Office Manager Kim Vautour HR Director Gail Lebert Chair, Executive Advisory Board P R O D U C T I O N Lynn Mika Production Director/Marketing Coordinator, ext. 140 lmika@HartfordBusiness.com Christopher Wallace Art Director, ext. 147 cwallace@HartfordBusiness.com Peter Stanton CEO pstanton@nebusinessmedia.com Joseph Zwiebel President & Group Publisher, ext. 132, jzwiebel@HartfordBusiness.com Mary Rogers COO/CFO mrogers@nebusinessmedia.com Subscriptions: Annual subscriptions are $84.95. To subscribe, visit HartfordBusiness.com, email hartfordbusiness@ cambeywest.com, or call (845) 267-3008. Advertising: For advertising information, please call (860) 236-9998. Please address all correspondence to: Hartford Business Journal, 15 Lewis Street, Suite 200, Hart ford CT 06103. News Department: If you have a news item: Call us at (860) 236-9998, fax us at (860) 570-2493, or e-mail us at news@HartfordBusiness.com Hartford Business Journal accepts no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts or materials and in general does not return them to the sender.

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