www.HartfordBusiness.com November 7, 2016 • Hartford Business Journal 23
For more assistance,
or stop by a nearby
Webster Banking Center.
Business loan approvals
within 24 hours.
Certified Business Bankers
whenever you need them.
Apply online at WebsterBank.com/fasttrack.
All credit products, pricing and overdraft protection are subject to the normal credit approval process. 24 hour turnaround is based on receipt of completed application. Some applications may require further consideration and/or
supplemental information, which could impact the one-day approval process. Certain terms and conditions may apply. Total business loan exposure at Webster Bank cannot exceed $100,000 and loans can only be secured by business
assets, excluding real estate. Requires a Webster business checking account, which must be opened prior to loan closing and which must be used for auto-deduct of payment.
Certified Business Banker: Webster teamed with Moody's Analytics to certify its bankers in financial analysis, risk evaluation, and management expertise.
The Webster Symbol and Webster Bank are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Webster Bank, N.A. Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender
©2016 Webster Financial Corporation. All rights reserved.
Introducing Webster Fast Track Business Loan
Work with Webster's Certified Business Bankers
to get faster access to the
cash you need for new equipment, updated technology, seasonal employees,
facility upgrades — whatever matters most to your business success.
• One day decision on applications up to $100,000.
• Approvals within 24 hours at very competitive rates.
• Personalized solutions for all your financing needs.
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