
October 17, 2016

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V O L . X X I I N O. X X I V O C T O B E R 1 7 , 2 0 1 6 12 B U S I N E S S M A I N E B U S I N E S S M A I N E B U S I N E S S N E W S F RO M A RO U N D T H E S TAT E region. " is action started one week ago and this is a very serious hit to our clam economy. On a daily basis, our company alone was paying out $3,000 to $5,000 per day to local diggers before this shutdown," wrote Sheehan. " ere are literally many hundreds of clam diggers [and] harvesters who are out of work, have no income and have families to feed … We will need help from the State of Maine." N O T E W O R T H Y M I D C O A S T & D O W N E A S T The National Institute of General Medical Sciences awarded a fi ve-year, $1,793,750 grant to Jackson Laboratory Associate Professor Greg Carter to fund the development of new computational tools to analyze vast amounts of ge- nomic data to understand how multiple genes interact in complex diseases. Redzone Wireless, a wireless broad- band services company, opened a new offi ce space at the Breakwater Marketplace, 91 Camden St., suite 404, in Rockland. Camden National Corp. declared a dividend of 20 cents per share payable on Oct. 31, for shareholders of record on Oct. 17. The declared dividend for the quarter has been adjusted to re- fl ect the three-for-two split of the bank's common stock payable in the form of a stock dividend on Sept. 30. This quar- ter's dividend rate is equivalent to the bank's previous quarter's rate. The Kennebec Co., a cabinet-making company in Bath, will appear in an up- coming episode of "This Old House." The company takes part in the restora- tion of a house in Arlington, Mass. Seawicks Candle Co. in Boothbay Harbor released its Maine 100% soy candle with artwork designed by Trosko, a Scandinavian surface de- signer in Yarmouth. The Wabanaki Women's Coalition received $336,976 from the Tribal Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Coalitions Program, which is funded by the U.S. Department of Justice Offi ce on Violence Against Women. Through a partnership with the Finance Authority of Maine, Bath Savings Institution has joined the Maine Private Education Loan Network and is offering private student loans and consolidation loans to help students cover the cost of higher education. Hannaford to buy two Bud's Shop'n Save locations Hannaford Supermarkets acquired Bud's Shop'n Save stores in Newport and Dexter. e Portland Press Herald reported that the deal is expected to close in early December. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed. Dean Homstead, the owner of Bud's, will continue to own and operate a Pittsfi eld store location. "We have been proud to support these stores as a wholesale supplier for many years and we look for- ward to serving customers with a famil- iar team, local products and Hannaford- brand items," Todd Bullen, a director of operations for Hannaford, told the Press Herald. Scarborough-based Hannaford, a division of Delhaize America, now has 62 Maine locations. N O T E W O R T H Y N O R T H E R N & E A S T E R N United Insurance relocated its Bangor offi ce to 890 Hammond St. The Penobscot Indian Nation will receive $99,000 in grant funding from the Department of Justice to support tribal law enforcement efforts. U.S. Cellular, in conjunction with its partner, King Street Wireless, said that Madawaska residents now have ac- cess to 4G LTE services. UMaine Business Challenge and Business Lending Solutions in Hampden announced a three-year, $30,000 sponsorship agreement for the naming rights of Maine's largest busi- ness plan competition for college stu- dents. The challenge will now be known as UMaine Business Challenge, present- ed by Business Lending Solutions. Shaw House, a nonprofi t in Bangor that serves homeless and at-risk youth, will receive a total of $140,001 through the Administration for Children and Families to support operations at its Street Outreach Program for homeless and runaway youth and their families. The Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians will receive a total of $899,732 over three years from the Offi ce on Violence Against Women at the Department of Justice to ensure that victims of domes- tic violence and sexual assault receive appropriate, culturally specifi c and easily accessible confi dential responses. We help nonprofits help Maine. We help nonprofits help Maine. >$200 million in state income tax revenue Maine's nonprofit wages generate every year Learn more Volunteer alongside Gorham Savings Bank to impact Maine's youth today. N O R T H E R N & E A S T E R N

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